Commercial use - Connection time out



  • killachris
    killachris Posts: 1
    edited January 2022

    hi i have a server that i have my files on and use it for personal use not for bussiness i stor photos videos and persnal stuff on it and now i can not access my server cause my account is blocked cause i conect to it to muchany help i cant find any help on there web site or [removed per Community Guidelines] please help me

  • TumainiTiger
    TumainiTiger Posts: 1
    edited January 2022

    I connect to my father's pc sometimes (1/2 times a week) so I'm not using it for any commercial use. Today I got an error saying the app thinks I'm using it for commercial purposes but I'm not.

    Is there a way to unblock my account? I don't want to pay to help family out with their pc or share my screen with them...

  • What a joke. I'm getting the same commercial use error. It's really frustrating when you're at your work PC and try to connect to your work PC to let family members know your phone has no battery. I'm not signed into Telegram or WhatsApp Web on my work PC and usually remote to my home PC if I ever need to do so.

    Thanks TeamViewer for your planned sabotage into getting premium licenses from free users.

    Looking for an alternative, and I'm not buying a Man Untied kit till you stop sponsoring them.

  • Whilst some valid criticism can be directed towards TeamViewer in the way they have handled things I think it is perfectly legitimate that they clamp down on people using their software in a work environment using their free tier. TeamViewer makes it very clear in their literature that the free tier is not available in work environments.

  • Nicholls
    Nicholls Posts: 0
    edited January 2022

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    I can't use TeamViewer anymore as it's unreliable in flagging me as a business user when I need it the most, like going on holiday and then barred from accessing my own machine. This has happened to me so many times now over the last 7 years that I would be a fool to continue using an unreliable app that can fail at any given moment (by design). It's basically ransomware.

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • the app is telling me to buy a subscription because i have been blocked for "very high activity level"

    all i use teamviewer for is accessing my server pc so i can run my private mc server and my home plex server

    none of that is commercial so i dont think i should have to buy the subscription

    is there a way to fix this

  • In the past, I was flagged incorrectly for commercial use. I use Teamviewer to help my elderly parents with remote computer issues, and filed a ticket to fix this - which I believe was corrected... but I still get kicked off every 2 min when helping my folks remotely

    How do I get back to uninterrupted connections?


  • Hi,

    I'm an very old user of the free version of Teamviewer, ONLY USED for private usage for my Family, Parents aged now between 80 and 90 !!!

    I can give the proof, a list of ID for example (3 ID's)

    Please, explain me what i need to do, to declare, to post, wich version to use, not to be ejected like a sharper.

    Il like your solution. I use the last version today.

    Thank's in advance,

    Best regards

  • anyone know how to resolve this issue a while ago I was using this app when I was blocked for apparently using it for commercial purposes the only thing I use it for is to check messages and operate my phone I'm paralyzed from the neck down and that's the only way I can use my phone and the reason I'm on from morning to night is so that I don't have to constantly call someone to connect my phone every time I want to use it. it is a fantastic app and it would be really helpful if I could use this app again as I've been unable to get any other such app to work. Thank you

  • Jamie_P
    Jamie_P Posts: 1
    edited January 2022

    I have the same issue. I have used private and free TeamViewer for years to help my (now 94 year old and partially sighted) mother access her PC and emails etc. Today it decided (perhaps because the system scanned an estimate she had been sent for a roof repair) that our use is commerical.

    It seems one can only get a ticket to resolve the issue by paying.

    This thread gives me little optimism about being able to sort it out.

    I moved my Mum to Team Viewer when **Third Party Product** went all commercial.

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

    My mother is a hundred and fifty miles away and I cannot leave her in isolation

  • Simply ask for a reset back to free use. Make sure you include the ID for your machine as well as the ID for your mother.

    Click the following link to start the reset process.

  • SFHal
    SFHal Posts: 3

    I've suddenly been getting a lot of timeouts and closed sessions ("Your TeamViewer session has timed out and will close"). Does someone have more insight into what is actually "timing out", and whether there's a parameter or two that can be tuned to reduce the problem?

    I am new here in the forum but a longtime user of (free) TeamViewer for non-commercial purposes. I use it from my Windows laptop while on the road to access my desktop Windows PC back at home (Remote Control). Both are running Windows 10 and both are running the latest TeamViewer (15.26.4). And the only timeout-related parameter I can find is turned off (in the advanced settings, "Timing out inactive session") on both sides.

    The frequent timeouts started when we changed internet providers at home. With Comcast (our old provider) I would get timeouts/closed sessions maybe once or twice a day, always when the connection was idle. (Ok, sometimes when it was not idle: I would be trying to use it, I would see it grind to a halt on the other end, and then maybe 10 minutes later I'd get the timeout message.. I think most of these were caused by network slowdowns on the local side).

    Now that we have switched to a 5G WWAN home internet service from T-Mobile, I'm getting these interruptions at least 10 times a day, and often when the connection is active (by which I mean that I am in the middle of using it - and it happens without warning, with no slowdown or hang at all). I can be typing on my remote computer, seeing the characters echoing back immediately, no sign of any slowdown or network issues, and suddenly I get the timeout message and the session is closed. That never happened when Comcast was the ISP at home.

    This is the only complaint we've had about the new T-Mobile service. It's certainly a slightly lower-bandwidth solution than what we had from Comcast, with slightly higher latencies (ping time) but (according to my roommate at home) there are no perceptible reductions in speed with the new service. VOIP telephony, for example, works perfectly, and that's a pretty demanding application.

    So I have my doubts that an actual timeout of any kind is causing this (if it is, what could possibly be timing out when the session is otherwise working perfectly and transmissions are happening in real time? Unless the timer in question is set to pop after mere milliseconds, but why would that be, and why would I have not seen this happen with my old ISP?). Is there any kind of logfile that would record the reason for these sudden session closures? Any secret parameters I should try changing?

    Many thanks in advance for any suggestions or assistance!

  • I have a fee account that I probably used a lot during Covid. Since then I don't use it anymore but when I try to connect to my office computer, it gives me this message and disconnects after a few minutes. Please help.

  • I meant free account not fee.

  • I seem to be getting a message saying I have been blocked for using my computer for professional purposes, I only use(Free) Team viewer on a weekend for the race meetings ratings I do on my main computer & since I got a new computer & tried to set up Teamviewer I have run into this problem, what can I do to sort it out?

  • DenisL
    DenisL Posts: 2
    edited February 2022

    Hello everyone,

    • I need a help with my non-commercial use license. I've created request 24 of January 2022 with explanation and full details BUT still haven't got an answer ... Could someone guide me what to do where to call, please. I tried to call several times to [Personal information removed] and all i been told to go tp the page and make request ...
    • Thanks

  • Your conection has been blocked because one of your connection partners seems to be using the software in a way suggesting proffesional work.......

    What do I do to solve this? Thanks

  • GCN
    GCN Posts: 1
    edited February 2022

    I am a former professional user and had a paid licence. I am retired since 2021 and would like to use the account for family help and my private connexions.

    I have keept my computers and in the meantime also the computers ID. When I tri to connect, it gives me " trial expired".

    It seems that the PC IDs are registered within Teamviewer-Servers. How to get them cleaned ?

    regards Georges

  • I recently updated Team Viewer on my PC. Ever since then, when opening Team Viewer and trying to pair it with my phone, a window comes up that says, 

    "We are sorry for the interruption. Your connection has been blocked because of very high activity level. If this activity is intentional, please subscribe to a licence plan to continue connecting."

    I am disabled (paralysed from the neck down) therefore I cannot use my hands or fingers. I only use Team Viewer on the odd occasion so I can project it from my phone to my PC. This is the only way I can use & choose things from my Android phone. I am definitely not a professional user. Is there anyway that this can be rectified to how it was originally so that I can use it as a free user again?

    Thank you


  • I recently updated Team Viewer on my PC. Ever since then, when opening Team Viewer and trying to pair it with my phone, a window comes up that says, 

    "We are sorry for the interruption. Your connection has been blocked because of very high activity level. If this activity is intentional, please subscribe to a licence plan to continue connecting."

    I am disabled (paralysed from the neck down) therefore I cannot use my hands or fingers. I only use Team Viewer on the odd occasion so I can project it from my phone to my PC. This is the only way I can use & choose things from my Android phone. I am definitely not a professional user. Is there anyway that this can be rectified to how it was originally so that I can use it as a free user again?

    Thank you


  • Looks like my issue not going to be solved as no answers here no answers over the phone either

    Well... TeamViewer its very upsetting as I thought to buy a licence after trying a free version BUT changed my mind

    Please, delete my account !

  • SFHal
    SFHal Posts: 3

    Thank you everybody for all the comments and suggestions!

    I wanted to provide an update in case anyone stumbles upon this thread in the future..

    T-Mobile did some sort of update to its gateway device the other day, and since then I have not seen a single one of these spurious "timeouts". With Comcast internet on the remote end, my TeamViewer sessions would perhaps stay connected maybe 10-12 hours before being timed out due to network issues on the remote end; when we switched our ISP on the remote side to T-Mobile 5G Broadband, no session survived more than two hours without a "timeout" (which occurred despite no detectable network interruption), but after the gateway was updated, I have been connected continuously for 40 hours and counting.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that the timeouts don't come back, but for right now I'd say the problem has been corrected, without, unfortunately, ever figuring out what the problem actually was.

  • Hamselv
    Hamselv Posts: 1
    edited February 2022

    So I was messing around with some vpn setup in my router yesterday, and all of a sudden My TV free license was canceled! What the **bleep** is going on with TV?

    Furthermore, TV support is not available for their **bleep** free use leeches licenses so it seems there's is nothing to do but complain about it to other free users that doesn't have any way of helping..

  • Hi,

    I've always used TeamViewer on a personal, non-commercial license. A few years ago I connected my personal laptop to a corporate network. I was a consultant at the time, and I had to connect my device to that company's network. Something triggered on my TeamViewer account and changed it from personal to commercial.

    I don't use it for commercial purposes. How can I have this changed back to personal?


  • so what's the process for unblocking your blocked account? that i have been using for years?

  • Hello!

    I have used Teamviewer for a long time, I use this to connect to my personal computer that controls a variety of game related servers.

    This issue occurred about an hour ago and I cannot seem too resolve the issue. After selecting the "I understand" option, Teamviewer will close after one minute of connection.

    I only use Teamviewer for personal use, so I am confused why I am getting this issue now.

    Any help would be appreciated


  • Hi All,

    I have the same issue. Whenever I try the link to start the process to reactivate the account, it's giving me "504 Gateway Timeout Error"

    Is legit personal access no longer free? Has anyone have any luck in reactivating their account?


  • How long is a sponsored session? I use TV quite often tried today and got kicked off after 1 min

  • DiasTheWise
    DiasTheWise Posts: 0
    edited March 2022

    I traveled to London and I tried to use teamviewer to enter my Computer . And my account has been blocked . I sent 3 times a ticket at the form but I didn’t take any response .

    I use teamviewer only for personal use to enter my home computer from my phone .

    what else can I do ?

  • I am currently a student in high school and every day around the same time I need to log into one of my computers. Recently my account was flagged for professional use. I would like to know if there are exceptions for students who need to use Teamviewer. I was on the phone with a person at Teamviewer and they said that it was because my school has business internet and that the free license only allows for users to connect to systems to and from a residential network. I have no need for upgrading to a commercial license as I receive no compensation for what I do in any way and what is provided in the free license is all that I need.