Commercial use - Connection time outAnnounced

User: "JeanK"
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    Got an email telling me it was fixed and it wasn't.  All I did was connect to a machine on my network after getting the all clear email and it was back.

    I think the detection system is as follows, "Have Windows 10 Pro = SetTrue", It was cheaper than Windows 10 home so I bought it for one machine.

    I replied to the email telling them what I did and that it's fubared again.

    Also I can't have used it for business as for the last month I have been unempolyed.  I start another job in a few weeks.

    oh, yes. and please include on the site that even you're fill up the form nothing will happen. (Fill out this form to create a ticket:
    First of all, why not hire at least one coder who fix this issue on your backend (let me help you, it's not a rocket science) as the issue exists for months..and months...and months...

    "we are now aiming to solve all requests within seven days. " - another lie. It never ever fixed within a week. Feel free to correct it withing several months/years.

    "However, some users are using the free version commercially." - however, some of tw coders cannot understand the code they wrote. If you can prove anyone use the tool commercially, well, then discuss it with the problematic user and not ban random number of users never used commercially this ""tool"".

    If you cannot afford to hire skilled coders then feel free to ask the community to help/turn into GPL license. But as of now you're a joke.
    User: "Fab"
    Staff member

    Dear All,

    Thank you for your numerous feedback and comments on this topic. We created an updated version of our Knowledge Base article which includes answers to the most common questions.

    @DidierBarbe :

    It seems there is a little mistake in our mailing.
    We refered to the "TeamViewer ID" that has been reset and not the "TeamViewer account".

    We apologize for the mistake and wish you lot of fun with TeamViewer.


    The same for me after 2 weeks

    After 3-4 week i received this, thks teamviewer team ;) :

    Dear TeamViewer User,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. We are happy to inform you that your TeamViewer account has been reset to “free”. After reviewing your request, we decided that your use case can be qualified as “personal”.


    I don't use Teamviewer very often but time to time when someone of my family has a problem with his computer (old people and technology ;-)) - But today I can't use TeamViewer because they suspect a professional use, which is not the case at all. Maybe it's because I use my professional email address ? Is there a solution or do I have to go toward an alternative software. Thanks for your help. Have a nice day

    yes, the problem exists for months, for many many users. tw never answered any support call saying it's a free product and but the "business" edition to get support (obviously the tool is way to **bleep**ty to pay a cent for this).
    If I want to spend money, will but **Third Party Product**. If you want to use a free product use **Third Party Product** (it has the same, central, web based interface like TW, so your machines can be reached pretty much everywhere). Stay away from TW as it's just the ruined version of a once trusted company.

    Nobody can help you here. You must support TV. Or you take a alternative Program. Support TV and answer takes up to 30 days.

    At home I have a desktop (Win 10), a router with 100MBit optical fiber connection and an ethernet cable between them. Since 1 month, every time I start Teamviewer, after 30 seconds connection is interrupted saying I have reached my time limit, for 10 minutes I can't reconnect and if I try again I obtain same result (30 seconds connection and stop). The incredible thing is If I use a laptop, connected to the same router via WiFi, everything works!!!!!

    Can you help me?

    I have the same problem.

    I am a personal user. Allworked normal and well for years. Suddenly Teamviewer blocks my account saying that I'm using for business purposes. Tried to get this corrected, now I get access tomy computers for very few minutes at a time.


    Don't know how to contact Teamviewer to correct this, nor do I know how to get my account reinstated to normal personal use.


    P|lease, someone help me.

    I was pretty sure i picked 'personal' when installing, but must have picked commercial as the trial expired on my new laptop. I use this to manage my personal PCs, so don't need a commercial license. I uninstalled and reinstalled (on windows 10) selecting 'personal' for sure, but it's remembering the commercial install. How do I clear the old install?

    TV moderator’s team are really really fast.

     I suggest that moderator’s team takes the place of Ticket ID’s Commercial Used Detected resolutionTeam.

    About moderation… it is very strange that is forbidenn to speak about an other software here. 

    On the Playstation forum, we speak about Xbox without problem, even with the price of the boxes. On Adobe forum, we talk about sketch, about Maya on 3DS max forum, etc.

    I think this is call « liberty of expression » in english.


    sorry for bad english.


    German Text below:
    Oh what a shame to have the names of the competition deleted by the moderator.
    Dear Teamviewer Support instead of controlling every contribution of a frustrated customer, put this efficiency into processing the opened tickets, this makes a thousand times more sense, above all you annoy every customer even more and believe me EVERYONE here is so sick of it and finds an alternative, that is as safe as the next sunrise.

    Best regards from Switzerland to Göppingen

    Oh welch ein Armutszeugnis die Namen der Konkurrenz vom Moderator löschen zu lassen.
    Lieber Teamviewer Support anstelle jeden Beitrag eines frustrierten Kunden zu kontrollieren, steckt diese Effizienz doch lieber in das bearbeiten der eröffneten Tickets, macht tausendmal mehr Sinn, vor allem ärgert ihr jeden Kunden nur noch mehr und glaubt mir JEDER hier hat sowas von die Schnauze voll und findet eine Alternative, das ist so sicher wie der nächste Sonnenaufgang.

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz nach Göppingen

    Facebook the Teamviewer team wrote :

    We understand your frustration and we apologize for the inconvenience. In order to continue using TeamViewer again, our support team has to investigate each case and resolve any issue. Therefore, you have to fill out the form in our community: and then you will receive a ticket ID. Please note that we constantly endeavor to support our customers and give them the best service. We kindly ask for your patience.
    Best, ... 

    This can not be the right way. So i have to say Goodbye to Teamviewer !

    I switch to [edited by moderator]; it is mac, ios, android, window compatible. For my kind of use, i don't see any difference between it and TV. Oh, yes, there is one... no problem of commercial detecting use.


    German Text below:
    I completely agree with the previous speakers and my consequence is that I switch to "[edited by moderator]", a pity because TV is actually a good product, but this rip-off is simply unbearable.

    Ich bin völlig mit meinen "Vorrednern" einverstanden und meine Konsequenz ist, dass ich zu "[edited by moderator]" wechsle, schade weil TV eigentlich ein gutes Produkt ist, aber diese Abzocke ist einfach unerträglich.

    @owenegan wrote:

    Yeah, I know Gmail isn't Teamviewer, and I'm not all grumpypants because my free software went away.  Those weren't really my points.

    Teamviewer's sudden kicking off thousands of (claimed) non-commercial users was either a business decision, or it wasn't.

    • If it wasn't a business decision, it suggests gross incompetence in their detection algorithm.
    • If it was a business decision, I feel it was a very poor one.  Because...

    They could have sent suspected naughty people a notice that their access would be cut in X days if they couldn't provide evidence of private use. They chose not to do that, but just cut people off.

    This move, if intentional, presumably was designed to convert free users to paid ones.  Maybe it's a brilliant plan and is working like a charm.  But from the point of view of this particular user, the way they pulled the rug out from under folks makes it much less likely any future remote-control-software money of mine will go their way.

    In my case, I had just driven home to Canada after installing a computer for a friend in Massachusetts. He's a 65-year-old farmer who kind of thinks the internet = AOL. So, remote access to his computer is direly needed if I am to help him take his first steps with his shiny new Gmail account.  So,  the sudden Teamviewer banishment isn't the end of the world, but it's gonna be painful talking him through setting up **Third Party Product**

    For what it's worth, **Third Party Product** did a similar thing years ago. They originally offered both free and paid services.  Then they decided to eliminate the free option.  Did they suddenly accuse people of violating their terms and cut them off without notice?  Nope.  They announced the decision and allowed their customers time to find another service, or pay for a subscription. Was it ethics, or just the thought that angering thousands of potential customers might be a Bad Idea?  Who knows.

    Anyway, once I get back to the farmer in Mass and my Aunt's computer in Connecticut, all my puters will then be migrated to the shiny chrome train, so I've mainly moved on. But this sends me emails whenever people post, and much like a car crash, it's hard not to look.



    My point still remains that I think this was a sudden accident. I doubt that Teamviewer would all of the sudden get an influx of these issues a month and a half ago, but then be willing to return the accounts to normal. The product is nearly $600 a year. I doubt anyone using it for personal use is interested in purchasing the product for anything non-commercial use. Teamviewer I'm sure would realize that nobody is buying the product through this issue, but are waiting for them to fix it or are moving to other services.

    You are providing two options, but I see you more stressing the more extreme option over the other, and I can't help but think it is out of spite of not being able to help your friend and Aunt out, which is understandable. But I honestly doubt Teamviewer would make this decision and it not come to light by now. They have clearly stated since that they are not trying to force users to the commercial platform and are willing to fix the account if a ticket submission is made. Sadly the amount of submissions and the fact that they are free accounts means it will take a while.

    I'm sorry that this has hurt your ability to help you friends and family. Trust me, it has hurt my ability as well. I do technical support for a living using a different service, but I offer my services for no charge to close friends and family... With Teamviewer unavailable at this point it is making it fairly tough to work on machines with a lot of the options being unuseable.


    i have been useing teamviewer for many years Privat, and since last week i get msg that i use it for business but iam not i only use it for privat(my home pc, my laptop, my wifes laptop, my brothers pc and fathers pc)!!!!! and now iam limited 1 min connectionand 10min me pls

    Yeah, I know Gmail isn't Teamviewer, and I'm not all grumpypants because my free software went away.  Those weren't really my points.

    Teamviewer's sudden kicking off thousands of (claimed) non-commercial users was either a business decision, or it wasn't.

    • If it wasn't a business decision, it suggests gross incompetence in their detection algorithm.
    • If it was a business decision, I feel it was a very poor one.  Because...

    They could have sent suspected naughty people a notice that their access would be cut in X days if they couldn't provide evidence of private use. They chose not to do that, but just cut people off.

    This move, if intentional, presumably was designed to convert free users to paid ones.  Maybe it's a brilliant plan and is working like a charm.  But from the point of view of this particular user, the way they pulled the rug out from under folks makes it much less likely any future remote-control-software money of mine will go their way.

    In my case, I had just driven home to Canada after installing a computer for a friend in Massachusetts. He's a 65-year-old farmer who kind of thinks the internet = AOL. So, remote access to his computer is direly needed if I am to help him take his first steps with his shiny new Gmail account.  So,  the sudden Teamviewer banishment isn't the end of the world, but it's gonna be painful talking him through setting up **Third Party Product**

    For what it's worth, **Third Party Product** did a similar thing years ago. They originally offered both free and paid services.  Then they decided to eliminate the free option.  Did they suddenly accuse people of violating their terms and cut them off without notice?  Nope.  They announced the decision and allowed their customers time to find another service, or pay for a subscription. Was it ethics, or just the thought that angering thousands of potential customers might be a Bad Idea?  Who knows.

    Anyway, once I get back to the farmer in Mass and my Aunt's computer in Connecticut, all my puters will then be migrated to the shiny chrome train, so I've mainly moved on. But this sends me emails whenever people post, and much like a car crash, it's hard not to look.



    Could it be that Teamviewer detected the VPN I am using to access my PRIVATE disks in my HOME DESKTOP and from that discovery decided that I was using it in a professional environment?

    Because I cannot find any other reason for having decide this situation in only one of my three PERSONAL computers..... :(, btw the only one I use for accesing the other two PERSONAL computers and the only one accessing my PRIVATE VPN...


    Same issue here. I'm using TV from a lot of years to connect with my home devices. At first I thought this appeared because I connected with my office PC to check some emails but looks like the problem is bigger and based at TV. I never used it for commercial stuff...

    @owenegan wrote:

    >>Your original post aggravated me quite a bit as you are assuming that Teamviewer is doing this on purpose. They are not.

    Really? How do you know this?  It appears your are making assumptions in the same breath you complain about others making assumptions.

    There are two possibilities I see.

    1. Teamviewer is purposesfully trying to shed some if its free users by, without warning, deactivating software that many of these people have used for years to help their friends and relatives use their computers.  

    -Then why would they offer a way out, that people have reported working? Have you thought, perhaps, a fluke was made in the code of the algorythm back in June, causing mass triggers of accounts? From a programming perspective in regards to the size of Teamviewer's infrustructure, that is not easily fixable. It takes time.

    @owenegan wrote:

    2. Teamviewer's commercial-use detection algorithm was written by massively incompetent people who should immediately be encouraged to find other work while Teamviewer attempts to limit the damage of this customer relations fiasco .

    -This hasn't always been the case to this degree. Something may have been accidentally changed recently. Accidents happen. There is never a perfect programmer. Talk to any friend that has had a career for a year or more in QA and they'll tell you that.

    @owenegan wrote:

    But the "fill out the form and sit tight for 30 days" response from Teamviewer strongly suggests to me that everything is going according to plan.

    Do you use an email service like Gmail? If tomorrow your email suddenly stopped working, would that be ok too? 

    You'd get a notice that Gmail thinks you had violated a term of service.  Maybe you could fill out a form and wait thirty days for them to reconsider.

    Would you just say "ok, I'll happily wait 30 days to send my next email"?  Or would you maybe look for a more reliable email service?

    Just asking...

    -I never said it was ok. What I said is that I will wait patiently. I am using a free service. It is never guaranteed to always work. Also you are comparing TV to email as if they are equally important to everyone that uses them. I can guarantee you that TV is not as important to every TV Personal-use user as email is. Some. maybe, yes, but if it's 100% needed every day, then pay for the professional version if it's that useful to you. Pay for the product and show your appreciation for the team that made the software that is required for your day-to-day use. If you continue to rely on free software for day-to-day use, that is folly. Free software always gets the least support and priority. If anyone needs it so bad, then pay for it so that it will continue to work for you as intended, and so you get immediate support when you have an issue.

    >>Your original post aggravated me quite a bit as you are assuming that Teamviewer is doing this on purpose. They are not.



    Really? How do you know this?  It appears your are making assumptions in the same breath you complain about others making assumptions.

    There are two possibilities I see.


    1. Teamviewer is purposesfully trying to shed some if its free users by, without warning, deactivating software that many of these people have used for years to help their friends and relatives use their computers.  


    2. Teamviewer's commercial-use detection algorithm was written by massively incompetent people who should immediately be encouraged to find other work while Teamviewer attempts to limit the damage of this customer relations fiasco .

    But the "fill out the form and sit tight for 30 days" response from Teamviewer strongly suggests to me that everything is going according to plan.

    Do you use an email service like Gmail? If tomorrow your email suddenly stopped working, would that be ok too? 

    You'd get a notice that Gmail thinks you had violated a term of service.  Maybe you could fill out a form and wait thirty days for them to reconsider.

    Would you just say "ok, I'll happily wait 30 days to send my next email"?  Or would you maybe look for a more reliable email service?

    Just asking...




    hello Xeno,

    i'm really not good with english, but i never write in my removed post that i was using a commercial solution. I said that i will pay if it works fine because 5€/month is not so much. And i would do the same thing with TV if it was not so expansive.

    So i'm using a FREE solution as the free TV but whitout the commercial use detection.

    If it's for non-commercial use, why are you not able to be patient for the ~30 days for the account to be reset to private?

    Because my old mother with her old mac will be dead if i wait 30 days to help her to surf on internet and other things.

    Because if i wait 30 days, my girlfriend will kill me when i'm not at home and she needs help to find a movie on our NAS.

    Is my answers are good enough for you ?

    I love how someone recommended a piece of software which the free version can't touch administrative programs (won't let you interact with them)

    I don't love you, sorry.

    What is an administrative programs ? 

    My little person only use TV to help family on their computers and to drive my server/NAS from work.

    I used to pay or make donation when i used a soft. If it is a problem for you, i'm sorry too ?

    Sorry for bad english. Regards.


    @macshane wrote:

    hi everybody, sorry for bad english, i'm french.

    I experience the same problem and i find a solution.

    I wrote a post explaining this solution, but it was removed because it promotes third party or competitor software.

    I understand, this is a TV forum. So I'll just wrote the end of my post: i'm very hungry against TV and their new politic. They have many way to let a free TV existing (as restrain the connexion to a number of connexion/day, or client, etc.) but the way they blocked us is really poor way.

    I hope i've the right to say that i leave TV for greener meadows.


    Did you even read the first post in this thread?!

    Teamviewer does not actively force users out of the free program. Submit a ticket at the link below and wait 30 days and your account should be restored.

    Also your "solution" is not a solution. We don't want to pay for software that we can get for free. The free version of that software does not allow you to interact with administrative programs.

    Your original post aggravated me quite a bit as you are assuming that Teamviewer is doing this on purpose. They are not.

    hi everybody, sorry for bad english, i'm french.

    I experience the same problem and i find a solution.

    I wrote a post explaining this solution, but it was removed because it promotes third party or competitor software.

    I understand, this is a TV forum. So I'll just wrote the end of my post: i'm very hungry against TV and their new politic. They have many way to let a free TV existing (as restrain the connexion to a number of connexion/day, or client, etc.) but the way they blocked us is really poor way.

    I hope i've the right to say that i leave TV for greener meadows.


    I love how someone recommended a piece of software which the free version can't touch administrative programs (won't let you interact with them) and stated we should pay $60 for it when this ENTIRE thread is intended for those that are using the FREE version of Teamviewer. Some people.

    First off, do you really need remote software that badly? If it's for non-commercial use, why are you not able to be patient for the ~30 days for the account to be reset to private?

    Seeing as someone withing the last few days got their account properly set to private again once the time hit 33 days after they submitted the form, I think it's safe to say that TV IS listening. Just be patient. I will wait until I get my account is set up properly, even though I do need it normally during the week for emergency things to manage my home network.

    please help someone

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