How to cancel my order



  • Why is this still not resolved??!!! All i want to do is cancel my subscription!

  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]

    Hello @JamieAxis,

    I have created a ticket for you.

    Please be patient as we currently have a high load of tickets.

    I apologize for the inconvenience caused.



    German Community Moderator

  • HI Want to Cancel my Subscription for a full Refund.Please guide me to cancel it.

  • Dr23Bs47
    Dr23Bs47 Posts: 1
    edited September 2021

    Account **Information removed as per Community Guideline**

    Please cancel this account as from now. Thanks

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,431 Moderator
    edited October 2021

    Hi @Dr23Bs47,

    Thank you for contacting TeamViewer Community.

    In order to cancel your subscription, it requires to submit a ticket. Please kindly to sign in with your licensed account and create a ticket.

    Please reply me know if you have an issue with submit a ticket.

    Best Regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • Good Day,

    Please cancel AccID 22626292.


  • AlenaC
    AlenaC Posts: 949 Senior Moderator

    Hi @Chantel ,

    thanks for your message. Welcome to our community :)

    As mentioned by my colleague @Justin, and on the bottom of the original invoice as well as our knowledge hub, cancellations must be submitted via the ticket system. If you no longer have access to a licensed account, please PM me the invoice number and email address used for the purchase, and we are happy to create a ticket for you.

    Best, Alena

    Spanish Community Moderator :)

  • I wonder why is it that you don't give users the ability to unsubscribe and cancel their subscription? If you are truly confident in your product, and if you're really all about customer service (like the award you claim you got, which I'm sure you paid for), why not give customers the ability to cancel? Because you are running a scam. That's why. I have notified my credit card company to decline all charges, so scam away.

    We had purchased a "premium" product and have been spammed with ads and now don't have the ability to share sessions. There is no customer service to speak of, and this is the only "forum" that you can cancel your subscription in. Laughable. Cancel. Cancel. Cancel. I will be certain to spread the word about this terrible product to my 10,000+ LinkedIn connections.

  • How do I cancel my renewal

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,431 Moderator
    edited October 2021

    Hi Noisiv1967,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    In order to cancel your subscription, please contact our customer support directly or submit a ticket.

    Please note that a written notice is needed for cancellation confirmation, and posting in this forum does not count as submitting a ticket.

    Regarding a ticket, feel free to check the knowledge article - How to submit a ticket

    Thank you for your understanding and patient.

    Best Regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • I no longer need this the 'Remote Access' subscription for my business and want to cancel it.

    I tried following:

    • Customer portal - Subscription - billing Cycle: Not possible to edit
    • Login and create ticket for cancelling 'Auto Renewal': not possible to make a ticket, I keep comming up to this Community.

    How do I cancel my 'Remote Access' subscription!

    For real!

  • I have not used this service and wish to cancel!

  • I have never logged in!!!

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,431 Moderator
    edited October 2021

    Hi @tOmputOr,

    Thank you for contacting TeamViewer Community.

    I will create a ticket for you.

    Please answer the e-mail you will receive in order to write and confirm your termination/cancellation request.

    We thank you in advance for your understanding and patient.

    Best Regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,431 Moderator

    Hi @brcoates,

    Thank you for your post.

    I have generated a ticket for you.

    Please answer the e-mail you will receive in order to write and confirm your termination/cancellation request.

    Thank you for your understanding and patient.

    Best Regards,

    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • I agree with above post:

    "This is a real Scam. they Charge you for next year of service and can't cancel it as they require 28 days cancelation it in"

    Unbelievable ...

  • NimaH
    NimaH Posts: 1

    Very Very bad service..... They renewed my plan without sending a simple notification while I am not using Team Viewer long time. It's been few days I am following to return back money without any result ... I am sorry for Team Viewer...... They are cheating ......

  • masand
    masand Posts: 1

    I wish to cancel my subscription as I have now retired from my previous job where I needed it, please reimburse me.

    Marietta Andree

  • I cannot make a ticket because you do not have de option in your portal.

    How can I do that?

    Is there another way to cancel?

    Thank you in advance.

  • How do I cancel? I have tried to create a ticket, but it says website unavailable. I have tried to call and waited for over an hour with no answer. Please help me cancel this immediately. Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,431 Moderator

    Hi timbosnintendo,

    Thank you for your post and we are sorry for the inconveniences caused.

    The support ticket has been generated, so please check your email inbox and reply to the ticket.

    Customer support team will assist you further via the ticket.

    We thank you in advance for your understanding and patient.

    Best Regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター

  • I'm trying to cancel my subscription but your website keeps opening tabs and dumping me back into the community. This is ridiculous!

  • Hey .. can’t find a way to send a ticket and cancel my subscription for TeamViewer.

  • xalidhus
    xalidhus Posts: 1
    edited November 2021

    hi, how can i cancel my subscription and refund my money back? i dont use your app anymore but you charged me for [removed per Community Guidelines] , i will not use your program anymore please help me

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • How do I cancel this

  • How do I cancel

  • Just wish to add our comment, so the community can see what they will be dealing with, if they subscribe.

    No reminder 6 week before. We simply received the invoice for the new period.

    But they didn't forget to send the reminder for the unpaid invoice 14 days later.

    And as @ladidah said: "Teamviewer has now lost our business for life".

  • Terkildsen
    Terkildsen Posts: 1
    edited December 2021

    Why the **bleep** is this so difficult!

  • AlenaC
    AlenaC Posts: 949 Senior Moderator

    Hi @Terkildsen

    Thanks for reaching out to us. Welcome to the community :)

    If you need assistance creating a ticket, please PM me your e-mail address and I will create one for you.

    Would this work for you?

    Best, Alena

    Spanish Community Moderator :)

  • PPMG
    PPMG Posts: 0

    I used teamviewer remote about a 2 years, and it is a good product, however I no longer use it as much, so I request cancel it and created ticket 20 days ago. However, I have been charged for another year yesterday and knowing there is 28 days prior end of term policy to cancel. I don't know that. What is my solution for that? I really don't want to pay for another year which I no longer need the service.

    By the way, there customer support is really bad regarding cancelation. I created ticket twice to cancel, just close my ticket and said I was out of stage to cancel. Called in and wait for 40 minutes and end up said my license does not have telephone support. It make cancelation really difficult.

    Brent G