How to cancel my order



  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 905 Senior Moderator

    Hello @renecito10 

    Thank you for your post.

    Regarding cancellation, you can reach out to our licensing team directly via the phone so we may further assist.

    Should you be unable to call, you can also submit a ticket directly using your licensed TeamViewer account.

    Should there still be any issue reaching us, feel free to message a moderator on here and we can have a representative reach out to you directly.

    Hope this helps!

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • Nellykoo
    Nellykoo Posts: 2

    Hi, I want to Cancel my Premium Subscription. 8th May 2019 : I buy the premium package 10th May 2019 : I email to cancel my subscriptions. Because it didn't suit my needs 13th may 2019 : I get a call from Teamviewer, giving me option to upgrade. But I simply want to cancel my subscription... After that, I have not get any updates on my cancelations. Its been 14 days since I ask for a SIMPLY CANCELATION. I have been email-ing everyday, But I didnt get any updates... Thank You

  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    HI @Nellykoo 

    Thank you for your post.

    Sorry to hear, what happened. Maybe there was a misunderstanding. 

    I will forward your case to the responsible colleagues. Really apologize for any inconvenience caused. 

    Due to security reasons, I removed the ticket ID from the message. 

    I wish you a great day and all the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • SteffenPuck
    SteffenPuck Posts: 1
    edited December 2024

    Agreed, just about the worst "subscription" scam i've ever experienced.

    Should have spent some time investigating this product and the company before being dumb enough to "buy a license" last year.

  • Ant1
    Ant1 Posts: 28

    Be very careful when dealing with TeamViewer they are highly unethical. 

    TeamViewer hid their practice of automatically renewing the license and taking money from people's bank account unless they give 28 days notice in the fine print at the bottom of the invoice. They neither told me this in the original e-mail or did they send me a renewal notice. 

    I found later that in their documentation that they say that they will send a renewal notice unless local laws do not allow it. This was untrue - actually they will not send a renewal notice unless forced to by local new laws.

    In my case I paid for the license at Australian rate and in Australian dollars, and all my dealings with TeamViewer have been with the Australian office. Under Australian laws the renewal must be sent. But as I was going to be spending a lot of time in China, I put down an address in China.

    Teamviewer then used the lack of Chinese laws not to send the renewal letter claiming I was a Chinese user even though they had happily forced me to pay Australian rates. When I raised these issues and the fact that I no longer use the product (which they can verify from their records) their only response is that they "cannot cancel the subscription".

    TeamViewer has no interest in acting with integrity or dealing with customers fairly. Deal with this company at your own risk.

  • Ant1
    Ant1 Posts: 28

    Yep. I got done on this. TeamViewer hid their practice of automatically renewing the license and taking money from people's bank account unless they give 28 days notice in the fine print at the bottom of the invoice. They neither told me this in the original e-mail or did they send me a renewal notice. 

    I found later that in their documentation that they say that they will send a renewal notice unless local laws do not allow it. This was untrue - actually they will not send a renewal notice unless forced to by local new laws.

    In my case I paid for the license at Australian rate and in Australian dollars, and all my dealings with TeamViewer have been with the Australian office. Under Australian laws the renewal must be sent. But as I was going to be spending a lot of time in China, I put down an address in China.

    Teamviewer then used the lack of Chinese laws not to send the renewal letter claiming I was a Chinese user even though they had happily forced me to pay Australian rates. When I raised these issues and the fact that I no longer use the product (which they can verify from their records) their only response is that they "cannot cancel the subscription".

    TeamViewer has no interest in acting with integrity or dealing with customers fairly. Deal with this company at your own risk.

  • tradegde
    tradegde Posts: 1
    I also had a forced renewal. In my case Teamviewer hid the automatic renewal at the bottom of the original invoice so I didn't know. They didn't put it in the original e-mail and there was no reminder notice. As a result I got stuck with another years subscrition that Teamviewer forced on me, even though I no longer use the product.

    Even when I am in contact with support and I have asked five times they have still not confirmed that it has been cancelled.

  • stefanoc
    stefanoc Posts: 3

    I want to cancel my subscription. Why is it so difficult? It says to create a support ticket but... there's no easy way to do that. 

    No instructions.

    THere's no email.


    I don't want to write my personal information here.

    Please contact me immediately to terminate my subscription. 

  • stefanoc
    stefanoc Posts: 3

    I want to cancel my subscription. Why is it so difficult? It says to create a support ticket but... there's no easy way to do that. 

    No instructions.

    THere's no email.


    I don't want to write my personal information here.

    Please contact me immediately to terminate my subscription. 

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @peter_liu ,

    Thank you for your post.

    I have double checked with the right department to follow up with you on this case.
    I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please wait for the answer from one of our staff members.

    All the best,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • CGJR
    CGJR Posts: 11

    This is intentional. They want you to struggle to cancle. This is a very untrustworth company.

  • CGJR
    CGJR Posts: 11

    What was the resolution. I am going to contact my credit card company today to discuss since they will not let me cancle  because i contacted them 20 days prior not 28 days prior.

  • Hi,

    I would like to cancel my teamviewer business license and refund the full amount which I paid today (13 July 2019).
    I send it to sales team and support team as well ( Ticket ID: 5259148 and Ticket ID: 5259142 ) what to do to ensure the process during 7 days?
  • Any one could inform me
  • Hi there I'm havng the same experience, i only received the invoice on saturday, and got debited Monday. I mailed the sales team to cacel the subscription but have since received no repsonse. I call the SA accountS department this morning and was told that i need to cancel 24 day before, how is this possible when i'm only invoiced on such short notice. I will take this futher. Let see waht the other subscibers think. This is'nt ethical at all.

    #5263069]: Sales Inquiry: Cancellation query

    @Badr000014 wrote:

    I would like to cancel my teamviewer business license and refund the full amount which I paid today (13 July 2019).
    I send it to sales team and support team as well ( Ticket ID: 5259148 and Ticket ID: 5259142 ) what to do to ensure the process during 7 days?

    @Badr000014 wrote:

    I would like to cancel my teamviewer business license and refund the full amount which I paid today (13 July 2019).
    I send it to sales team and support team as well ( Ticket ID: 5259148 and Ticket ID: 5259142 ) what to do to ensure the process during 7 days?


  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hi there, 

    Thank you for your posts. 

    I'm really sorry to hear what happened, but can confirm that the submitted tickets are already in process. 

    I kindly ask you to be a little bit patient until you'll receive an answer. 

    Thank you very much in advance and for your understanding. 

    Wish you guys a great day and all the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • ghh101
    ghh101 Posts: 13

    Teamviewer has outdated cancellation policy.  Buyer beware they require a 28 day cancellation before contracts ends.  Most states have laws against this type of cancellation.  Call your BBB agency and complain.  Don't take this laying down. 



  • ghh101
    ghh101 Posts: 13

    Teamviewer has outdated cancellation policy.  Buyer beware they require a 28 day cancellation before contracts ends.  Most states have laws against this type of cancellation.  Call your BBB agency and complain.  Don't take this laying down. 

  • Hi

    I have had this issue also. There was no reminder or notification that our supscription was renewing - I purchased for 12 month only to get us through until we got a new computer. I haven't used the software in what would now be the new billing cycle. I tried to find an email or a phone number to talk to someone and there was no way for me to get in touch with someone regarding my account. Our credit card expired and I didn't update it, now I am getting what looks like suspecious correspondance  with horrible english from germany demanding the money and have applied all of these extra charges for I dont know what. When I tried to call and verify the message service was in german (which I dont speak) so I have no idea what is going on. This is an absolute joke. DO NOT BUY TEAM VIEWER!

  • How did you create a ticket? I tried to and it loops me back to community.

  • I did that too. 

  • Hello,
    I missed to cancel the subscription, which we are not using any more and today was charged for the rewewal.
    Could you please help me with the cancellation and refund?

  • No response so far :(