Hey Guys (Teamviewer Hello?),
I wanted to cancel my annual subscription on my business account for a while now, and I'm in a situation where I've forgotten my password and cannot access my account. That is my bad for forgetting my password, but ho-boy has it been a journey just trying to reset this password. I've tried on every browser and different computers. Devices. Not a single password reset email followed up on my business account. I'm slowly closing into my renewal day, and I definitely do not want this service. Sometimes I wonder if the support is deliberately trying to stop me from cancelling the annaul subscription. I resetted my password on two other accounts just now, and it all seems to work fine on the free accounts.
The amount of time and effort that it takes to... Just. Reset. A. Password is the most gruelling, annoying process I've ever faced. The most daunting thing. Please, customer support, or anybody who is a part of the teamviewer community. Help me. I definitely do not want to pay the business annual fee for this rollercoaster ride of pain and waste of time.
Save me, shoot me, hate me, whatever I just want to ditch my account now.
Thank you for reading this. : , (