"Remote Access" license - question about how this work + FAQ

mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐
edited May 2023 in Licensing

One of my client have TeamViewer "Remote Access" license.
My client have some issue with this kind of license so he asked me to help him.

I read:

But this is not so complementary.

So I have few questions:
Question 1 in relation to:
How many endpoints can I connect to?
Remotely access 3 assigned computers or servers. Also you can purchase 3 additional endpoint devices anytime.

Where I should use license ?
I assume that the license should be usend on this 3 assinged computers, and according to his:
I assume that I should be able to connect to them from any computer on the world with TeamVeiwer free license.

Question 2:
If I have right on Question 1 then..... Why using computer with TeamViewer free license after 5 minutes connection to one of this 3 assigned computers is going to be disconeted ?

Question 3:
Was the license makers' assumption that longer connections are only possible between these 3 assigned computers?

Question 4:
If I have assigned 1 computer how to assign second and third computer ?

This could be taken as a "dumb" question, but when I try to assign second then I have been warned:
Your license does not allow you to add more computers.
Please change your plan to allow you to add more computers.

Question 5:
It could be that I have not proper license for 3 assinged computer/server, because when I check on management console that in "General settings" there is informationa that my client have "Remote Access  1/1 endpoints in use"

So my question is
How this i related "3assigned computer/server" <> "1/1 endpoint in use" ?
Is that mean that my client use different inproper license ?


mLipok , AutoIt MVP


  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @mLipok ,

    Thank you for your post ?

    First of all, the Remote Access license is a bit tricky to set up. Depending on the case, we might need to look into it with our support team individually, but I am doing my best to give answers here ?

      1. First, you need to activate your remote access license into one account for a local device. Then you need to setup/ assign up to 3 endpoint devices. The 3 endpoint devices are not required to have a license.
        Here is a manual with 4 steps to activate a remote access license. 

      2.  Even though the 3 endpoint devices don't require a license, it is recognized as commercial usage as the 3 endpoint devices are linked the remote access license.

      3. You can connect to 3 endpoint devices with no time limitation if you have set up a remote access license properly.

        Additional information: If you try to connect from one of endpoint devices (Free) to other free devices, the connection is recognized as private usage and TeamViewer may detect commercial use and limits your connectivity. Therefore, it is important to activate the remote access license by following the manual in order to use without restriction.

      4. You can add by clicking +add computer up to 3 devices. You can check how many endpoint devices you have setup on the management console. Please see this article for more information.
        14_Add computer.png
        When you receive the message "Your license does not allow you to add more computers. Please change your plan to allow you to add more computers", you might need to swap an endpoint device, please see this instruction.
        Please note that you can change designated endpoint device up to 3 times per months. For more information, please read this announcement.

      5. Unfortunately, I can not provide an answer for it because previously we sold one endpoint remote access licenses in some particular countries, therefore it is depending on the contract you have. In this case, please get the license holder to contact our support team to confirm your license condition.


    Hope this answered your questions. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do for you.?

    Best regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • Can Remote Access solve the problem with connecting to older versions? It is simple not possible to update the Teamviewer version on the remote computer I what to connect to. If not is there any solution to this problem? I'm using the free version to help a few friends and family. I'm retired and all of the people I help are retired.