TeamViewer 9 & 10 End-of-Life
Over the years, we improved your TeamViewer connection in many aspects: stability, performance, features, integrations, protocols, and security.
It is against this backdrop, that we decided to phase out a range of legacy TeamViewer versions in 2021. Pursuing the goal of delivering the best quality, highest security, and fastest connections possible, server services for legacy TeamViewer versions 9 and 10 will be discontinued effective
UPDATE: Read the latest information about this here.
How does this affect me?
As of June 1st, 2021, TeamViewer 9 and 10 will have reached their end of life.
Connections outside your network with corresponding versions will not be possible any longer.
As we’re committed to providing the best service possible and to ensuring a smooth transition to the most modern TeamViewer version, we’re offering affected users a complimentary trial of TeamViewer 15, valid from January 19, 2021, through May 31, 2021.
What should I do next?
To get started with your free trial, please manually update your client to TeamViewer version 15 after January 19, 2021.
Get step-by-step instructions for the process in this Knowledge Hub article.
Stay connected,
Former Community Manager
Hi Esther,
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry if I keep on asking stupid questions but I feel very stupid and lost at this stage.
So after 1 Jan 2023 my TM Ver 12 will still work outside my LAN, internet/remotely. My TM Ver 12 will not stop working for internet/remotely connections after 1 Jan 2023.
The complementary license for TM Ver 15 will stop working on 1 Jan 2023.
!! Just one question out of curiosity: Why do you use TeamViewer 12 instead of 15? !!
I like to use software that I am licensed to use and not complementary software. I hope it makes sense.
Johan de Klerk
I have the Teamviewer 10 Premium license from 2015s too and the same thing is now happening to me.
I am 40 years old, computer programmer for 19 years and I have NEVER EVER seen anything like this before.
Selling a "life-time" license and "forcing to upgrade or stop it" after 5 years is called "SCAMMING", whatever the reason is. So please cut the "security" **bleep**, it is NOTHING to do with it. It is all about money, the money you keep asking for NO REASON.
I have the license aggreement and I have every right to go to law suit.
Teamviewer, gosh, do NOT think you will get away with this.
Once a law suit is won against this matter, it will stand as example and all other suits that follows will be instantly won.
What a bad reputation for you, a reputation that you actually deserve.
PS: For all, I will update here when I open the law suit. I have my own lawyer and we already have a meeting next week. I've just printed out the License Agreement to deliver him and I believe he can handle the rest.
Can you feel it, TeamViewer GMBh ? It's closing in on you.
I agree that TeamViewer is violating the terms under which we purchased our licenses. Feel free to contact me to be part of a class action lawsuit.
It isn't fair to change the rules retroactively after the item was purchased. It is the same as not honoring the warranty on an item because after it was purchased you changed the warranty rules.
I have another piece of software that when I purchased was a lifetime license. They later switched to yearly licenses for new people who purchase. They still honor my lifetime license.
I based my purchase on the lifetime/perpetual license. If they are not willing to honor that license they should refund all monies paid to persons/companies whose licenses they are are no longer honoring.
Hi all,
please see this article for more information:
Thanks and best, Esther
Former Community Manager
It came to our attention that you intend to ignore the licensing terms, under which we have purchased our original TeamViewer “PERPETUAL” licenses. We do not wish to upgrade to a “COMPLIMENTARY” version that is period/subscription based (as per your announcement her:, but want to continue to have access and usage of our original “PERPETUAL” licenses. Please let us know how to achieve the requested “PERPETUAL” usage.
This will happen to TV 11 and TV 12 as well. They're not going to keep supporting perpetual licenses for those forever.
Best you can do is sue the through a class action suit. You can also switch to competing product like [Third party product] to show your solidarity. Ignore all the TeamViewer scam ads as well - including the 28 days of notice to cancel subscription scam, where they refuse to cancel or can't be reached and then say you didn't cancel on time.
This company makes changes in the name of the security,
while discontinuing lifetime licences is about money,
it has nothing to do with security related questions.
It is a simple lie, and again a step after step to force customers to rebuy.
The acceptable offer should be a lifetime licensed teamviewer of any version that's considered secure.
But I guess we have to get legal help to force out what we payed for or to get the money back.
It is a shame that this happens with those exact customers who made this company grow in the starting decade.
Selling lifetime license that can't be used less than 10 years later is a fraud.
I will deny teamviewer in my companies and tell everyone not to purchase teamviewer ever.
It will be a lifetime job for me, because this greedy company doesn't give a **bleep** about the above comments.
They simply don't want anyone who won't pay the new price.
Please count me in for a class action lawsuit.
Please ad me in this class action suit. When i put up the money for my "lifetime" purchase of TeamViewer I expected just that. Lifetime. I'm a very small business and cannot justify the costs for the updated versions/subscriptions and will not pay that. Either return my full purchase price for breach of contract or honor your sale to me as lifetime.
Hi Ronnnn! This is a very nice reply. I will use it also! Thank you!
[Removed per Community Guidelines]
Same here @Frederico_Cardoso and @Yannis1970
Although we were previously informed that our license would be valid until 12/31/2025 after migrating from the perpetual model to the subscription model, we also received this same email message a few days ago.
We tried to contact the TeamViewer team by clicking on "Contact us now" in the email, but it is returning a 400 error ("Invalid character found in request target")
P.S. We are from Brazil
I received the following email from teamviewer today and it was a mistake as the phase out affects only version 8
Dear customer,
Due to a technical error in our emailing system, you received an email from us last week concerning the phase out of an older version of TeamViewer.
Please disregard this email and rest assured that your TeamViewer subscription has not been affected. The phase out only impacts customers using TeamViewer version 8.
We apologize for any confusion or concern this may have caused.
Best regards,
Hi all - I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
As promised before I posted an update to this topic now in a new thread as it applies both to this announcement as well as for the announcement for the TeamViewer 8 End-of-life.
Thanks for your patience and best,
Former Community Manager
@Argelis I am not an employee, I was also outraged by the news of the end of perpetual leave, but I decided to give in. As I see that there will be no solution, I cannot be without the program, here everyone is only threatened and I decided to do a thorough research on the perpetual life and the company would not support itself by giving you something for the rest of your life, it's 10 years and forever with your internal support on your network. Imagine you have a company with 250 computers, in case you can still use version 10, to access your 250 computers internally forever. So you will still have a lifetime license. until 2025/2026 i will have version 15 without paying, for sure i will go to another company that i will pay less monthly. I wish you good luck and a lot of success, as well as many blessings!
Tradução para o Português do Brasil:
@Argelis Não sou funcionário, também fiquei indignado com a notícia do fim da licença perpétua, mais resolvi ceder. Como estou vendo que não vai ter solução eu não posso ficar sem o programa, aqui todos só ficam na ameaça e eu resolvi pesquisar a fundo sobre a perpétua e realmente a empresa não se sustentaria dando pra você uma coisa para o resto da vida, então é 10 anos e para sempre com o seu suporte interno na sua rede. Imagine vc ter uma empresa com 250 computadores, no caso vc ainda poderá usar a versão 10, pra acessar seus 250 computadores internamente para sempre. Portanto vc ainda terá a licença vitalícia. até 2025/2026 eu terei a versão 15 sem pagar, com certeza irei para outra empresa que eu vou pagar menos mensalmente. Desejo boa sorte a todos e muito sucesso, além de muitas bênçãos!