Complimentary TeamViewer 15 access for legacy versions to be deprecated
Hi all,
Hoping that you enjoyed pleasant holidays despite the trying circumstances, we would like to send our best wishes for a Happy, Healthy New Year to all of you!
Core to the earlier announced deprecation of legacy versions 8-10 is our commitment to always ensure the best possible security for the connectivity solutions our users trust in (see the announcement for TeamViewer 8 here and for 9 and 10 here). While we understand that software updates for remote machinery can be burdensome in certain scenarios, we will always prioritize security over convenience in alignment with industry best-practices. Therefore, we will follow through with the announced discontinuation of server support for TeamViewer 8-10 licenses on September 15th, 2021. See this comment.
However, based on your valued feedback here in the TeamViewer Community and irrespective of differing legal contexts for the license cohorts, we decided to adjust our approach as follows given the current stress situation worldwide: All TeamViewer 8-10 licenses will get complimentary TeamViewer 15 access corresponding to 10 years of server service from purchase year.
The same applies to TeamViewer 5-7 licenses that have been migrated to TeamViewer 9 previously. For TeamViewer 5 licenses, the 10-year period would have expired on December 31, 2020, but we decided to prolong it to September 15, 2021.
The complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 will be added automatically to all applicable licenses on January 19, 2021.
As mentioned above, from September 2021 onwards TeamViewer versions up to 10 will not be able to connect to our servers any longer, so affected users should update their setup with the complimentary TeamViewer 15 access well in advance. While the deprecated legacy versions will continue to work indefinitely within local area networks, we strongly advise against utilizing software without regular security updates in any setting.
With this complimentary offer, we hope to address most concerns and to express our sincere gratitude for our longstanding TeamViewer users. As always, please reach out to the TeamViewer customer support regarding any questions.
Thanks and best,
Community Manager
In my opinion these upgrades and non backward/forward compatibility is a "money generating" exercise and not much else.
Because fundamentally there is nothing essential different offered between the versions - other than the license holder cant use the license with any different versions. It is very frustrating as one is forced to maneuver between the various versions to try and connect to a remote person, who inevitably has been tricked/maneuvered into upgrading. Upgrades should be free for license holders. I bought several licenses in the past, but based on these license frustrations I am looking for a new solution and it wont be with Teamviewer. Thinking **Third Party Product** is a much more viable solution without all the license shenanigans.
TeamViewer will become a dishonorable company unless they reverse the terrible decision to force out perpetual license users. I have strongly supported TeamViewer for many years and feel bad that I have recommended it to so many people. I like doing business with companies that keep their word, just like I do. Whoever is running TeamViewer is obviously not paying attention to what is going on and greed is causing people to make decisions that the company will eventually regret. The monthly charges that TeamViewer is now charging are truly outrageous. The small guy cannot afford this product anymore so I believe TeamViewer will see a sharp decline in business. To the person in charge of TeamViewer: Please reverse this decision and be fair with us. Thank you.
The wayback machine is still works, folks!
What can we see here ? Hmm tv 7 can be used for unlimited period ! O, channels must work too! And contact list with computers!
How can anyone from tv explain me why i cant use this if i had already paid for that ? And what about unlimited period for a remote controll sessions ? There is no words about any LANs . Security reasons ? MAKE A FIXES ! NOW!
We connect to industrial hardware still running Windows 2000, if you discontinue support for TeamViewer 8 (the last version that supports Windows 2000) we will no longer be able to connect to our hardware and will cancel our subscription.
Edit: you say version 14.2 works on Windows XP / 2000? Do we get disconnected every 5 minutes from 14.2? Where do I download 14.2?
HI @ricksim Thanks for getting back to me. May I ask you to check-in with our license experts so that they can review the setup?
Thanks and best, Esther
Former Community Manager
Olá. Um verdadeiro absurdo. Temos licença vitalícia! Eu não irei fazer textão. Apenas notifico que iremos entrar com um processo assim que tiver que pagar. Temos e-mail comprovando a compra vitalícia e mais dezenas de reclamações aqui no fórum que irão comprovar a mudança de regras após a compra do produto lesando o comprador.
Hello. A real nonsense. We have a lifetime license! I'm not going to do textão. I just notify you that we will file a lawsuit as soon as i have to pay. We have email proving the lifetime purchase and dozens more complaints here in the forum that will prove the change of rules after the purchase of the product harming the buyer.
Hi ricksim,
Yes - the complimentary TeamViewer 15 access corresponding to 10 years of server service from purchase year. When you bought TeamViewer 9 back in 2014 and didn´t update after that - you get complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 until December 31, 2024.
This is independent of any additional licenses you bought later. So the TeamViewer subscription you have is not affected by this if it has been bought as an additional license.
Thanks, Esther
Former Community Manager
Hi Management Team,
We originally purchased TeamViewer 6 and upgraded it to TeamViewer 9 perpetual licenses . The complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 should be free until December 31 2024 isn't it? We have not been told and been paying Teamviewer 15 subscription for the last 3 years. Kindly advise and i hope that company will not push us to find different solutions...
I purchased a P 5.x license and have ignored TV sneaky methods to convert me to a sub. Now I have to deal with the 5 min disconnects and password reentry. TV is a POS. I paid for a product that TV advertised and now I am supposed to give in to TV tricks. Not happening. I'd join a class action today if we would be allowed. No honesty in TV Company!
Hi @Andreas_Dalichow_66 @bigtonto
As you might know, we are no longer actively servicing Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2000/2003/2008. You can continue using the last supported version of TeamViewer on those operating systems which is TeamViewer 14.2, but we are no longer providing updates or fixes which are specific to them. See this announcement for more details.
Please keep in mind that TeamViewer is not supported on embedded systems.
Thanks and best, Esther
Former Community Manager
I will enjoy adding myself to any class action suit that follows this forced migration from my perpetual license to a subscription. There appears to be deceptive practices that should be pretty easily proved in a court. My lifetime / perpetual license was not advertised with any caveats at the time of my expensive license purchase. I intend to be very active and vocal about this bait and switch, and will spend actual money to NOT give TV any more of said money. (Excuse me while I start contacting class action lawyers with a link to this tread).
As a long standing client of team viewer it is a abysmal that team viewer is engaging in deceitful business practices refusing to honour perpetual licence that I have paid for for both as as an original purchase and an update. Perhaps new clients should be made aware of this and know that Team Viewer as a company is possibly facing bankruptcy and does not honour previous purchases
In 2012 we contracted a TeamViewer Business v7 perpetual license with an addOn for installation on a second machine.
Already in 2013, we were forced to migrate to version 9, but the perpetual license type was maintained.
Now, in 2021, we are being forced to migrate to the version 15 license, however, changing the license type from perpetual to monthly.
This is another heavy handed move by TV. I would really like to know why they are being such jerks to the customer base that have loyally supported them all these years.
I too am having the same problem with constant disconnects. I knew it was TV doing it on purpose.
Your subscription prices are heavy handed too. Obviously TV is no longer interested in the same type of small customer that built the business for them. Too many fat cat corporate accounts and you no longer need us. Nice.
Another cooperate perpetual user here.
I'm not a lawyer but also believe the word perpetual leaves little open for interpretation. That said there are many companies where a perpetual license does not mean that support for older versions is maintained. In this case of teamviewer a free upgrade to a newer perpetual license that gives access to newer versions is an acceptable alternative although there will always be those that disagree or believe that enforcing the upgrade still violates the perpetual term.
But I would like teamviewer management and this community to question the current situation. Only the 8-10 version licenses are eligible? Why not 8-14? Why give the 8-10 buyers a free upgrade but not the 11-14 buyers? Why not give the 11-14 user a choice to upgrade? Do you really want to give away free upgrades ONLY to users for which you discontinue your support?
Isn't that an incentive for users to never upgrade as they now learned they will get it for free when you 'have to' discontinue the perpetual part of their license? You, teamviewer, decided to limit perpetual licenses to upgrades for 1 year only and made further upgrades a paid option. In my humble opinion stepping away from that model means stepping away from it for all users. Not just those that remained on an older versions. And not because of a legal issue, just because it makes no sense whatsoever.
Thank you
Jeroen van Eekeres