Complimentary TeamViewer 15 access for legacy versions to be deprecated
Hi all,
Hoping that you enjoyed pleasant holidays despite the trying circumstances, we would like to send our best wishes for a Happy, Healthy New Year to all of you!
Core to the earlier announced deprecation of legacy versions 8-10 is our commitment to always ensure the best possible security for the connectivity solutions our users trust in (see the announcement for TeamViewer 8 here and for 9 and 10 here). While we understand that software updates for remote machinery can be burdensome in certain scenarios, we will always prioritize security over convenience in alignment with industry best-practices. Therefore, we will follow through with the announced discontinuation of server support for TeamViewer 8-10 licenses on September 15th, 2021. See this comment.
However, based on your valued feedback here in the TeamViewer Community and irrespective of differing legal contexts for the license cohorts, we decided to adjust our approach as follows given the current stress situation worldwide: All TeamViewer 8-10 licenses will get complimentary TeamViewer 15 access corresponding to 10 years of server service from purchase year.
The same applies to TeamViewer 5-7 licenses that have been migrated to TeamViewer 9 previously. For TeamViewer 5 licenses, the 10-year period would have expired on December 31, 2020, but we decided to prolong it to September 15, 2021.
The complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 will be added automatically to all applicable licenses on January 19, 2021.
As mentioned above, from September 2021 onwards TeamViewer versions up to 10 will not be able to connect to our servers any longer, so affected users should update their setup with the complimentary TeamViewer 15 access well in advance. While the deprecated legacy versions will continue to work indefinitely within local area networks, we strongly advise against utilizing software without regular security updates in any setting.
With this complimentary offer, we hope to address most concerns and to express our sincere gratitude for our longstanding TeamViewer users. As always, please reach out to the TeamViewer customer support regarding any questions.
Thanks and best,
Community Manager
- TeamViewer guarantees that the server will be available and usable with the purchased version for a period of at least 10 years after purchase. If the transmission protocol changes in the meantime, an update will be provided to the customer free-of-charge if it is mandatory for further use.
- the version I own will work for no less than ten years (meaning no need to update my software as they will guarantee a server for my version is in operation for no less than ten years)
- and, in the event that the protocol changes (rendering the software unusable) then TeamViewer Gmbh. will provide a free update to the software so that the customer can keep that software for its (continued) further use
- lifetime license
- free update
- further use
- FruityLoops Studio acquired in 2000 and still getting free updates.
- WinRAR purchased in 2002 and it continues to work to this day.
Depending on the license you bought you get a complimentary TeamViewer 15 access. See the table here:
If you decide to buy a subscription for TeamViewer, you will need to pay yearly until you cancel the subscription. However - I recommend reaching out to the licensing experts at TeamViewer to find a solution for you 👍 I am only the Community Manager.
But as the Community Manager, I made sure to add smart linking to our community and so - I added a link to the number to the top menu under Service --> Contact --> Give us a call.
Thanks and best,
Former Community Manager
Hi @Mavacom_Oy
The server support for TeamViewer 8-10 licenses will be discontinued on September 15th, 2021. We now started to limit connections to make everyone aware of the need to update the remote devices.
See more information here:
Thanks and best,
Former Community Manager
I'm using an older version.
I've been using TeamViewer very often so far.
However, the connection from a few days ago will continue to end.
So let's say you're inquiring and doing so for the transition to the latest version.
And at the time of purchase, I purchased a lifetime license.
Isn't it a breach of contract to unilaterally change the end date?
I want to use TeamViewer for the rest of my life.
The version is irrelevant.
Was there any advanced notice of the 5-minute timeout that has been implemented that makes Teamviewer unusable in my situation. I was given to believe that I had until Sep 15 to upgrade all of my client devices. Upgrading of these devices is not permitted on an ad hoc basis as they are qualified devices. I had started the qualification process and setting up a schedule to upgrade all of the devices by the time limit specified, however, I will now be required by my customer base to set up a schedule to remove TeamViewer from their configuration solely on the basis that Teamviewer's customer support is unpredictable.
I can understand if Teamviewer went bankrupt to stop a product. IS Teamviewer going bankrupt?
They should go broke for lying to there customers. A perpetual license is for as long as the company is operational.
I think that your are going BANKRUPT and all new customers should be aware of this
Do your new customers know of the lies you told to your existing customers.
To whom it may concern,
It came to our attention that you intend to ignore the licensing terms, under which we have purchased our original TeamViewer “PERPETUAL” licenses. We do not wish to upgrade to a “COMPLIMENTARY” version that is period/subscription based (as per your announcement her:, but want to continue to have access and usage of our original “PERPETUAL” licenses. Please let us know how to achieve the requested “PERPETUAL” usage.
I,m absoluterlly behind what @drdancm said:
I think it is time to consider a Class Action Suit - Perpetual licenses are not arbitrarily limited to a few years.
All perpetual licenses should be honored with an upgrade that is not arbitrarily time limited. Teamviewer is not doing any of us a favor but simply breaking the business contract in a way to make themselves look less terrible.
Any of you who would like to join the Class Action Suit please send your contact information to Dan at:
[The personal information has been removed as per the community guidelines.]
And call all of us - TeamViewer perpetual licence users, action for defending our business and legal rights.
Feel completely let Down by TEAMVIEWER, A LIFETIME licence, that means lifetime, and I will hopefully not die in 2022, absolutely crazy, this company should be ashamed. I am looking into this legally and this far they are breaking the law watch this space
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VOTE WITH YOUR FEET leave TEAMVIEWER, they may consider looking at their morals when client leave on MASS
Disgusted what a waste of money $2000 RIP OFF
Hello @Cyb3rman,
Very good point - I forgot to mention the upgrade part.
You can do it either before, or after - this won't affect the migration.
However, we recommend first activating the license and then updating the clients. But again, it is as you wish.
I have edited point 6) to mention the upgrade. Thanks a lot! 💙
Community Manager
In regards to the Migration guide from version 8, 9 or 10 to version 15
Above, do I need to upgrade my version 9 local app and all my v9 clients hosts before I do that, or will TeamViewer push the upgrades to all the hosts and my app automatically? The Migration guide did not address the upgrade procedure for version 9 app and version 9 hosts. Thank you.
I understand the situation now. Thank you for these clarifications.
The problem is that your license is not activated on your TeamViewer account.
Before, it was possible to use TeamViewer only locally (without any TeamViewer account). This is not possible anymore.
Now, you need to activate your license on your TeamViewer license. Once it's done, your license will be recognized in version 15.
This is how to proceed:
Migration guide from version 8, 9 or 10 to version 15
1) Create or log into your account via the Management Console
2) Click on your name in the upper right corner, then click on Edit Profile
3) In the General tab, line License, click on Change license
4) Click on Legacy License Key Activation
5) Enter your license key (the key is indicated your latest invoice) and confirm with Upgrade & Logout
6) Now, update your TeamViewer clients to version 15 and log in with your credentials:
Your license should be recognized sign as below:
Community Manager
Hello @Belwest,
Sorry for the confusion.
In your case, you simply need to update your clients to the latest version (15) by clicking the update button:
Your license will then automatically be recognized by the system, also in version 15.
Community Manager
Due the article I can get complimentary access to TeamViewer 15 until 31 Dec 2023
I have
[Image deleted per Community Guidelines]
a licence. After simple update it to 11 or 15 or 9 it becomes with Free license and there is now place to enter a license number. What should I do to activate 15 license?
In addition, in the terms and conditions state:
Basically, the Terms and Conditions state that:
As far as I'm concerned, the company promised the following terms in its marketing materials and contract:
I expect my software to continue to operate without impediment.
I purchased the product because they offered a lifetime license:
My experience with LIFETIME LICENSE is that the license continues to work from when it was purchased. Here are some examples:
In any case, I have voiced my protest and added my protest to this forum. I will be watching this situation very closely!
Hello @OngTH,
This initiative is only applicable for version 8, 9 and 10 licence holders.
Community Manager
While I understand the security concerns, and realize that you cannot support everything forever, I don't understand why you did not use the same upgrade model that you used last time, which was to update all older TV versions to the least supported version.
While I appreciate the offer of TV 15, I don't like being forced into a subscription model, which in effect is what you are doing with this move. How you came up with a ten year sliding scale for perpetual license holders I have no idea. Last I heard "perpetual" means "perpetual"
I would be a lot more upset with this announcement if I had continued to upgrade from version to version and spent a lot more than I've already spent, but I got off that bandwagon with TV7 because nothing you've added since then is of interest to me, which is the main reason I've never gotten a subscription, along with the cost (which almost doubled the cost of moving from release to release). If your subscription rates were more reasonable, I would have gone with a subscription a long time ago (your competition is half the cost).
But right now I have a perpetual license and a right to use the service, which is no longer perpetual and will expire in 2025. Like all the others, I'm miffed.
I'm not sure if I have a copy of the original license agreement or not, but I believe you pledged to provide service unless you went out of business, and the software was held in escrow for that eventuality. That agreement was for perpetuity.
I have to say though, this move really doesn't change anything for me; you lost me as a customer a long time ago anyway, but I'm sure you are going to loose many more and get a lot of bad press from this latest move, or worse (lawsuits).
You've probably already considered that, but you are not serving your customers well.
I've got TeamViewer 9 on Windows 2000 machines in the factory.
I think that TeamViewer has become extremely heavy handed in the last 2 to 3 years. Push push push.
It would do TV well to remember that people like us that have been with TV since the early days 15 years ago and helped build their success through word of mouth and perpetual licenses.
We got our companies to buy perpetual licenses and are now trying to explain why perpetual doesn't mean perpetual and why older TV versions on old operating systems can no longer be supported. Thanks for making the customers who supported you look like complete FOOLS to their boss.
We are not a happy bunch lately with TV's recent decisions to abandon us and ignore our previous licensing agreements.