TeamViewer Contract Cancellation

johnjoin Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2021 in General questions

Dear Forum Admin,

I am writing to ask you to refer my case to your cancellation. My requirement is to 1) retract the invoice number [Personal information removed] associated with my email address which the contract term is from 18 Oct. 2021 to 17 Oct. 2022 and 2) to declare that the automatic renewal for this contract year is invalid.

You automatically renewed the product for me on the expiry date. I requested sales team to cancel the renewal but you refused the request and indeed refuses the refund request, referring to the EULA requirement of 28 days prior notification. Recently, I received a temporary refund through credit card dispute mechanism.

After reviewing the EULA, I think TeamViewer breached the EULA in multiple instances. I check my email box every single day including the junk. It is impossible that I miss any single email from your company. Indeed, the EULA indicates that TeamViewer has responsibility to notify the user upon change of contract and adjustment of price. The latest version date of your EULA is 20 Apr. 2021, and obviously TeamViewer is not notifying their users about change of EULA.

In view of the online forum discussions from other victims that it is a usual practice that TeamViewer refers the outstanding invoices to credit collection agent, I attempted to contact your local sales and customer support team. Your support team is no longer able to provide further supports. Indeed, since I deleted my TeamViewer account and uninstalled all TeamViewer clients from my PC, it is impossible to create a ticket about this invoice even I reopen an account with the same email address. The only thing I could do is to create a forum post about this billing and invoice issue.

Now I am using the ground that 1) TeamViewer adjusted the price without notification, and 2) TeamViewer changed contract content without notification, to cancel my contract. However, your TeamViewer local sales team sustained that TeamViewer must have sent the price adjustment notification, which I strongly disagree. Indeed your sales team claimed that they are not authorized to retract the invoice of some contracts.

I would like you to execute the two points I aforementioned at the beginning of this post. I understand that you might not have the permission to respond me in the forum, please open a ticket and ask your cancellation team to communicate with me about this issue.



Best Answer


  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 802 [Former Staff]

    Hello @johnjoin,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I have forwarded your message to our team and someone should contact you as soon as possible.

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    Thank you very much for your patience.



    German Community Moderator

  • johnjoin
    johnjoin Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited November 2021

    Thank you for your response.

  • Imogenmae1
    Imogenmae1 Posts: 1

    I want to cancel my subscription as i have no needs for the platform at this time.

    Many Thanks

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 6,990 Community Manager 🌍
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Imogenmae1,

    You can cancel any TeamViewer license by submitting a ticket.

    How to submit a ticket?

    You can submit a ticket via the following link: Submit a ticket


    If you have not activated your license on your TeamViewer account, you won't be able to access the ticket portal. Instead, it will redirect you to the TeamViewer Community. Therefore, it is essential to activate the license on your TeamViewer account in order to be able to access the ticket portal and cancel your license.

    Depending on the license you have, please follow the activation instructions here:

    Community Manager