My "Wake-up" command no longer works. (Free version) Is it something I did?
I now have to physically turn on my desktop computer.
Hello everyone,
Thanks for this feedback.
We are more than happy to take a closer look and investigate this issue. Could you all please let me know if Wake-on-LAN is configured using the public address on the affected devices?
Thanks in advance!
Josh, mine is indeed configured using the public address.
For the public address to work for mine I just enter my router's ip address in that field, Of course when the router's IP changes, It messes it up, But that's the only way I've gotten it to work so far..Perhaps enter my own IP Address?
For anyone wondering to my previous comment, I tried my own ip, it didnt' work, For the public address enter your router's ip address and i hope this helps someone
I have used TeamViewer Wake-On-LAN feature (via public address, outside of local network) for a couple of years with no issues. However, recently I noticed that the feature has stopped working and I'm not able to wake my desktop PC anymore using my other TeamViewer devices (iPhone, MacBook) anymore.
When I try to click he power-button icon on the TeamViewer computers list, nothing happens anymore. I have made no changes to my system or settings, and I double checked everything (PC hardware settings, Dynamic DNS settings, Router Port Forwarding, PC Power/Network adapter settings, TeamViewer Wake-On-LAN settings) using TeamViewer's own Wake-On-LAN manual. Everything was in order and like I mentioned - it has worked with no issues before.
All devices are running the latest version of TeamViewer and the actual remote control works fine.
Any ideas what has happened and how could I get WOL working again?
Thank you already in advance!
Like many others mentioned, I also can no longer access TeamViewer using WoL as the precursor to login to a remote device.
TV WoL has worked seamlessly for many years and early in December just stopped! Despite checking and rechecking my settings, nothing changes. I can use TV to access remote device provided remote device is running! I can wake the remote device using other methods via mobile devices (magic packets) - all as mentioned by others.
It seems to be a TV issue, but any advice would be appreciated.
Yes, it is not working for me either.
I configured no-ip, set WOL, open port in router.
It used to work perfectly, but not 1-2 weeks ago.
I am having an issue (just made a post about it) similar to @ACE_hun's, and from my testing it looks like teamviewer is not properly handling DNS addresses when they are used as the WoL public address, don't know if it's exclusive to no-ip hosted ones or every DNS.
same here
I always used "" in Option\General\Wake-On-LAN\Public Address. This worked. But now it doesn't work anymore!
Only if I replace "" with my real IP "[Removed per Community Guidelines]" I works: I can turn my computer on.
Any idea?
If I ping I resolve it with the IP address, so there's no issue in service. Does TeamViewer introduce any bug in this option?
I have a DynDNS (provided by NoIP) set up on my router for various reasons, one of which is teamviewer's remote WoL feature.
However, recently (I'd say less than a month ago, after working flawlessly for over 2 years), that stopped working, and exclusively works if, as the WoL public address on my machine, I set the public IP (as in, actual numerical IP) of the router, which is not static so not a real solution.
The first thing that might come to mind is "Well, the DNS is clearly not working", but the DNS resolves correctly and works as intended in every other case, and I use it multiple times a day without issues, except for this specific situation.
Any insight on what the problem might be?
Same here
Just as the title says, I have confirmed that Wake on LAN is working using WakeMeOnLan, but the button to wake the device on TeamViewer does not appear. Is there a way to manually make this button appear, or another way to fix this? I'd rather not have to use 2 different programs each time, when i know WoL has worked for me before
Yes, today version 15.41.8 is shown as current. I will test it.
@ComPage The WOL feature is back for devices running TeamViewer (Classic), the old interface.
Please see [Windows] v15.43.8 for the full changelog.
WoL still fails on my PC with v15.43.8.
@JeanK Sorry to bother you again but I have just installed v15.43.8 (legacy version) and it still will not wake computers that will wake from version 15.39.6.
Hi @ComPage,
I'm afraid the remote computers on 15.39.6 must be updated, too.
Could you please test it with one device to confirm?
WoL fails on two PCs (Windows11 and Windows10) with v15.43.8.
Thanks @jf2jor - could you explain the behavior of the issue?
Are you seeing the wake-up button? If yes, what happens if you click on it? Just nothing? Or do you have an error message popping up?
If you could share a demo of your test methods, this would be fantastic and great help for our dev team. 🤩
Thanks in advance, @ComPage!
@ComPage, in the meantime, could you let us know about the following questions:
@jf2jor as far as I can understand, you are trying to wake up from a native client, correct?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi, JeanK
->That's right.
@ComPage Thank you for the details.
Last question, which is super important to clarify - is the computer you are trying to wake up assigned to your account, or did you simply add it to your Computers & Contacts list manually with the ID and password?
I'm in the same boat.
Just to answer your question both computers are assigned to my account. Both computers have V15.43.9 and this version still does not wake up the other computer.
Installing 15.39.6 again on the test computer (1) allows to wake up the target computer.
Exactly as described by ComPage.
Still some work needs to be done by the dev guys.
@JeanK To answer your question, yes, the target computer is assigned to my account and has been on it for years.
When they were all on 15.39.6 any of the four computer in the group were able to wake any of the others. Now, those on later versions cannot wake any others but those still on 15.39.6 can still wake all of them.
Logically, it is clear that the problem lies with the initiating device, not the target.
@JeanK One other point that I neglected to mention earlier, these computers are all on the same Ethernet (wired) network.
@ComPage Thank you so much for all the details.
Our dev team said they need the log files from the local and the remote device to investigate this further.
If you agree, may I contact you via private message to discuss the next steps?
@Kruk @jf2jor don't worry - I will share all the outcomes after the investigation.
Hello @JeanK,
I'm in the same situation as @ComPage:
Both computers are running TV 15.43.9 (64-bit) and are in the same network, but I can't wake up one with the other!
@JeanK I think one important detail is if the "Wake Up Call" is started via the new TeamViewer UI or the old one. I think most still use the old UI for doing that which should still work, or?