One Minute Time Limit | TeamViewer Free

TS-021 Posts: 7 ✭✭


I've been using TeamViewer for a number of years now and recently I've noticed that when I try and connect to a system I have approximately one minute before I am kicked out by TeamViewer.

If I try and connect to a system again I get a warning popup message -

'Unable to connect A connection could not be established. Connection blocked. You reached the maximum session duration to this TeamViewer ID. Please try again later. Connections to this TeamViewer ID will be blocked until 00:00.'

I am only using TeamViewers' Free License at my home and not for any commercial purposes.

Has TeamViewer changed something on their end. Please could someone advise. Thank you.


  • jem
    jem Posts: 1

    I am having a similar issue. Several years ago there was a form that I filled to confirm that my license was personal\

    Any one knows how to request a review for personal use?

  • Joeyk201
    Joeyk201 Posts: 1 Newbie

    Same here. What’s going on?

    If they no longer want to offer a free accounts for personal use then tell us. I can’t log in to reset something and never have seen this issue. Now I have an issue.
    I could change to use another app or setup a vpn if I knew before hand.
    Guess that’s the answer.

    Thank you teamviewer for causing unnecessary issues due to greed.

  • TS-021
    TS-021 Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Hi @jem,

    I had that issue earlier in March and had to confirm that I was in fact using TeamViewer for my own personal use. I filled in this form - and the block on my TeamViewer ID's was lifted the next day.

    My account still says its running the free version, and my account doesn't appear to have the same block in place as it did in March.

    I suspect, this one minute limit is in force for all TeamViewer Free users now, but I can't seem to find any official information confirming this.

    Hopefully, someone from TeamViewer Support can step in. Thank you.