Cancel my subscription (7 day Money Back Guarantee - Full Refund)

Dear TeamViewer Team. 

I would like to cancel my subscription of my Business Plan that I didn't have a chance to use at all. You can look and see it didn't work for me at all. 

I'm in the 7 day period with the MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and have my Full Refund Back. 

But I'm having a REAL hard time to cancel this:

1. When I go to Sales ( to Cancel my Subscription (its one of the options!) It says for me to go to

2. Clicking on the link above it takes me to this link (community):  

3. There is NO Submit Ticket button, just only in the bottom of the page there is a "Submit Ticket", however it takes me to this link:  

4. When on the Suport Page he asks me what brings me here: Sales or Support. 
     4.1 When I click SALES it takes me back to STEP 1 again.
     4.2 When I click on Support it takes me back to the community link from STEP 2 again

5. I tried to contact you on the phone numbers but NONE works for me. 

6. I also read a lot of other community posts asking about this issue and all of the answer say to submit a Ticket. BUT I CANT. So it isn't an option for me. 

As you can see it's an endless loop. Where can I submit a ticket and CANCEL my subscription. 

Please give me the direct link to enter my ticket number OR have someone contact me immediately. This is not proper customer service. I want to discontinue my subscription within the free 7 day trial. It should not be this hard to do.    

Thank you very much!

Hope I can hear from you guys, I saw some answers you asked for my information to handle this. Please help me. 
@JeanK  @AlenaC @Natascha 



  • PieroB
    PieroB Posts: 4

    By the way I didn't even activate my account also. So please help me here to get me money back please. Thanks!

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @PieroB ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us  and we’re sorry to hear about your negative experience.

    I have created a support ticket for you. Please check and reply to us.

    I will make sure that our support team will assist you further as soon as you reply to the ticket.

    Please let me know if there is anything else we can do for you.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @PieroB,

    Thank you for your message. ?

    The reason why you could not submit a ticket, is because you didn't activate your license on your account.

    As mentioned in our article How to submit a ticket , "If the account is not linked to a valid TeamViewer license, the support portal will instead load the TeamViewer Community."

    We put this in place because we assumed that people who want to cancel the license are not happy with the product, after testing it.

    Also, please understand that because of the COVID-19 situation, our phone loops are very busy and the best way to get help is to request it online.

    We are sorry to encountered these difficulties, but the solution was really just one step ahead. ?



    Community Manager

  • PieroB
    PieroB Posts: 4

    Has my license been cancelled or I need to activate it in order to cancel it. I have not been able to get the final response. Thank you

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    @PieroB you need to activate it to cancel it.



    Community Manager

  • PieroB
    PieroB Posts: 4

    OK Jean, I have now activated the Business license. How do I cancel from this point onwards?

    Kind Regards,


  • pottsie1
    pottsie1 Posts: 1

    can any one tell me how to submit a ticket just being sent round in circles 

  • I have the same problem and just cannot get anywhere since my account shows as free nobody is prepared to talk to me, even though I have paid for a Remote Access Licence. I want to obtain my refund as stated on the website.

  • Did anyone of you end up getting your refund successfully?

  • Did you get your refund at the end?


  • I can’t activate my teamviwer. How can i cancel?