How to cancel my order



  • Thank you @RenaudEngie 

    I have been looking for more than one hour, so it is absolutely not 'easy' to find, and I al starting to think that it is something wanted by teamviewer, to make it more difficult.

    I don't need to register anything since I just want to submit a ticket. But I understand what you say, but until I will not have a link provided by the support, I can't do anything.

    Thank you for your help and your answer,

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi All,

    Thank you for your post. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    If you wish to terminate your subscription, please submit a ticket at least 28 days prior to the renewal date. You can see an instruction to create a ticket from here

    If there is any other quesitons, please let me know.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • @martina555 here what the support answered me, it worked :

    You need to do the following:

    1. Activate your license 1 on your TeamViewer account
    2. Open a ticket via your licensed TeamViewer account to cancel and request refund of license 2

    You can open a ticket here: 

  • Thank you everybody!

  • I am now in the process of canceling my subscription. I made a point of adding a calendar item to remind myself to do this well before the renewal date. Then I realized that if I died today, my children would be unaware of this upcoming $600 charge, and it could continue charging my account for something they would never use for years as they work their way through closing out my estate.

    I fully understand how and why companies want to do everything by pre-paid subscription; it provides a predictable income stream. But when one weighs that against customer experience, TeamViewer has absolutely lost my confidence.

    Add to that the fact that TeamViewer staff periodically post responses here on the forum indicating that cancelation cannot be handled through the forum, and it becomes clear that they are missing the point: nobody is trying to process cancelation by posting here; we are trying to communicate that they are losing customers due to a legal but very unsavory business practice.

     I dared not wait until any closer to the end than two months, lest I be caught by some last-minute internet outage or technicality. What I cannot tell yet is if my subscription will be canceled now, two months before it expires, or if it will properly be set to expire at the end of the period for which I  have already paid.

    I do not care too much either way now because 1) I am in the process of switching to another provider, 2) my credit card expired anyway, and I have not entered the new number, and 3) I already have TeamViewer's response acknowledging my cancelation request well ahead of 28 days. Of course, now I half expect to be told that the request has to be done at exactly 28 days instead of a minimum of 28 days.

    This is not to say that TeamViewer is doing anything remotely close to illegal, just that I also run a business and woud never dream of putting my customer relationship so far behind my cash flow requirements as TeamViewer does.

    Maybe someone can pay attention here and understand that this makes an otherwise-acceptable and viable service odious enough to many of us that we are going elsewhere. I wish this factor had not been important enough to make me leave. But it is, after all, still a free market (last I heard, anyway...)

    Goodbye, TeamViewer, and good luck!

  • It is impossible to cancel the license, the don't let you!

  • I have the same problem.  I no longer need my subscription - nothing against TeamViewer but the circumstances that drove me to need it have now gone away.  I just want to ensure all of my personal information is removed from your records.  Why do you make this so hard?

  • On date of 14/04/2020, I been receive an automatic charge to my credit card for the renewal. I would like to request for refund. I no longer continue your service. 
    Please proceed for refund. 
    Thankk you. 

  • I'm going through the same hassle in trying to get them to cancel auto renew and cancel my account altogether.  It has been **bleep** trying to get them to cancel.

    What kind of company is TeamViewer!

  • I finally opened a ticket and got them to confirm that they will simply allow my account to expire. Then they tried to convince me that there really is a way for them to configure non-automatic charges.

    But because that was clearly something hidden from the user interface and intended only to try to pacify those customers persistent enough to get to this point in the system, I told them not to even try to convince me to stay, and my account is now set to expire at the end of this term.

    I have already started using another remote assistance provider. This treatment of us as customers is unacceptable. I suppose the numbers are in their favor, though; enough people will forget to cancel 28 days beforehand that the small guarantee of extended revenue stream may simply be more important to TeamViewer than the risk of lost customer retention due to the fact that they do not allow easy configuration of manual renewal.

    Besides that, they can then continue to collect from the bank account of a deceased person until the estate figures out that the account needs to be canceled.

  • vega111
    vega111 Posts: 1

    Me too.

  • wernerelec
    wernerelec Posts: 1

    I am having the same issue. Wish to cancel

    [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • MarinkaC
    MarinkaC Posts: 3

    Hi all,

    Please can someone contact me back.

    I don't want to extend my teamviewer licence, and I need a refund back.

    It was taken without my knowledge.

    Please can someone contact me back [removed per Community Guidelines]

    I don't want to leave here my account details.

    I was checking for the emails, and support numbers but there is nothing there you can I ask for the further actions.

    Kind regards,


  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @MarinkaC 

    Thank you for your post.

    Please note that the community isn't an official way to receive an individual assistance for  cancellation and payment.
    Therefore, kindly refer to the solution to this thread, as provided by our Community Moderator, @JeanK 

    In order to request cancellation of a license, you will need to use your TeamViewer account that is associeated with your license. How to submit a ticket

    More information on subscriptions, including cancellations, can be found in our Knowledgebase: All About Subscriptions

    Also, you can reach out to our support team directly via local numbers found here.

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    We thank you for your understanding in advance.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • MarinkaC
    MarinkaC Posts: 3

    @Yuri_T wrote:

    Hi @MarinkaC 

    Thank you for your post.

    Please note that the community isn't an official way to receive an individual assistance for  cancellation and payment.
    Therefore, kindly refer to the solution to this thread, as provided by our Community Moderator, @JeanK 

    In order to request cancellation of a license, you will need to use your TeamViewer account that is associeated with your license. How to submit a ticket

    More information on subscriptions, including cancellations, can be found in our Knowledgebase: All About Subscriptions

    Also, you can reach out to our support team directly via local numbers found here.

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    We thank you for your understanding in advance.

    Kind regards,

    Hi Yuri,

    No one is helping me, everyone is just saying about your terms and conditions. We received an email on Saturday 16/05/2020 and the money was taken back from my card on Monday 18/05/2020.

    I was on your support, explaining to them the difficulties about the COVID -19 for the business, that my father is retiring so we cannot use team viewer any longer.

    Your support told me not to cry on the phone!!!????

    How are you dealing with your customers in those difficult situations?

    We don't need your TeamViewer subscription anymore and I need to get the full refund back.

    Please escalate the ticket 


  • MarinkaC
    MarinkaC Posts: 3

    Hi Yuri,

    No one is helping me, everyone is just saying about your terms and conditions. We received an email on Saturday 16/05/2020 and the money was taken back from my card on Monday 18/05/2020.

    I was on your support, explaining to them the difficulties about the COVID -19 for the business, that my father is retiring so we cannot use team viewer any longer.

    Your support told me not to cry on the phone!!!????

    How are you dealing with your customers in those difficult situations?

    We don't need your TeamViewer subscription anymore and I need to get the full refund back.

    Please escalate the ticket 


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,074 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @MarinkaC,

    Thank you for your message. ?

    Our customer support will reach out to you.

    I kindly ask you for a bit of patience ?



    Community Manager

  • the_Borg
    the_Borg Posts: 4

    Hi all

    Apparently, an email sent to discuss upgrading, is grounds for changing my licence from V12 perpetual to an unwanted and un-requested yearly subscription. My original email actully included these words... 'However, I don’t wish to pay for yearly upgrades/licences for my current support PCs'

    I am then told to open a support ticket! I didn't need this all the way through the Covid-19 lockdown, we issue a PO for any orders we place, none has been raised with Teamviewer.

    I can only guess that they are on the verge of administration, and need to steal as much money as possible, from their dwindelling customer base!

    I am told to raise a support ticket! Why, it's not a support issue, do their accounts have issues dealing with, oh you know, account queries?

    Then to my astonishment, they say they are going to take the money anyway! from where exactly. At least it's not my problem!

    I'm not a big user of Teamviewer anymore, so will be moving over to the **Third Party Product** platform or even **Third Party Product** and although the loss of revenue from me is low, the amount of customers I will now 'NOT' be recommending Teamviewer to, probably equates to £5k pa.

    Oh well, I used to think Teamviewer were a good company to deal with, however they appear to have lost

    • The ability to understand the English Language
    • How a Purchase Order actually works and what it means
    • Customer Service

    I sincerely hope you regain the ability to support YOUR customers, learn to read & understand emails

    Good luck with that!

  • the_Borg
    the_Borg Posts: 4

    Hi all

    Apparently, an email sent to discuss upgrading, is grounds for changing my licence from V12 perpetual to an unwanted and un-requested yearly subscription. My original email actully included these words... 'However, I don’t wish to pay for yearly upgrades/licences for my current support PCs'

    I am then told to open a support ticket! I didn't need this all the way through the Covid-19 lockdown, we issue a PO for any orders we place, none has been raised with Teamviewer.

    I can only guess that they are on the verge of administration, and need to steal as much money as possible, from their dwindelling customer base!

    I am told to raise a support ticket! Why, it's not a support issue, do their accounts have issues dealing with, oh you know, account queries?

    Then to my astonishment, they say they are going to take the money anyway! from where exactly. At least it's not my problem!

    I'm not a big user of Teamviewer anymore, so will be moving over to the **Third Party Product** platform or even **Third Party Product** and although the loss of revenue from me is low, the amount of customers I will now 'NOT' be recommending Teamviewer to, probably equates to £5k pa.

    Oh well, I used to think Teamviewer were a good company to deal with, however they appear to have lost

    • The ability to understand the English Language
    • How a Purchase Order actually works and what it means
    • Customer Service

    I sincerely hope you regain the ability to support YOUR customers, learn to read & understand emails

    Good luck with that!

  • They charged me for license I bot for my last firm but with my personal credit card. I have left the firm and wont be get reimburse anymore. Could you just refund and cancel my license? Your previous solution that transfer the license to other ppl in my last firm is not viable. Please find a better and direct solution. 

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,074 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @King_Albert_20,

    Thank you for your message and welcome to the TeamViewer Community! ?

    In this case, I would recommend to ask your credit card provider to cancel the payment.

    As the invoice should be adressed to your former company, the due amount will have to be paid by them.

    I hope this could help. ?

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • I signed up for teamviewer as a business, the licenses are given to my staff.  So the staff have registered licenses to their own email addresses.

    So the email address I used to purchase the licenses does not have a license registered to it.  This means I am unable to login to the portal and submit a request to cancel.  Despite the fact that you are sending invoices and updates to my email address.

    I spent 15mins waiting to speak to an advisor who said I should email salesteam at teamviewer dot com with my cancellation request and they will send it on to the correct team.

    It is a very bad system you have where the email account used to buy the licenses cannot then access the support portal.  I cannot log in to anywhere in teamviewer to see my account details or change my licenses, despite paying over £1000 a year for them, no visibilty, at all, none!  This looks like fraudulent activity to prevent users from cancelling subscriptions.  I will be posting google reviews to this effect to help potential clients stay clear of this product.  Everyone will need to cancel at some point.

  • Agree. **bleep** poor service. Once they charge you, they will find any excuse to avoid refund.

  • I don't think the credit card provider can cancel the payment, the money have gone into your account. An easier way should be to just refund and you send the invoice to my previous company. Since I don't have the access to the registered email now, which belongs to the company, I didn't receive any reminder to renewal or cancel renewal. The auto-renewal shouldn't be the default choice at all.

  • ycgallery
    ycgallery Posts: 1

    Same things happened to me, i've deleted my account since Nov 2019, but they still charging me today (15 June 2020)

  • Good afternoon! I want to cancel my subscription, contact me for it, because i cant produce a ticket.

  • Medloop
    Medloop Posts: 1

    I want to cancel my subsription. But there is not way I could create a ticket!

    Please advise!

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @Medloop ,

    Thank you for your post.

    In this situation, please call our support team instead of raising a ticket.

    Please note that the Community is a public forum where users can get assistance from each other. If you are a paid user and are having license / payment issues or want to speak with our support team please call our support team as moderators cannot offer 1-on-1 support here.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • Joel2020
    Joel2020 Posts: 3

    this company is a rort


  • DavinALP
    DavinALP Posts: 2
    edited May 2023

    Hello, id like to cancel my subscription. Its about to renew and i really dont want it to.. I dont use TeamViewer for my buisness anymore