iOS teamviewer not connecting
I have version 10.0.93450 on my work Win 10 computer and can access my account and my home computer from my group of computers. But when I do the same on my iOS with TW version 14.3.2 the group of computers is there but I get an error when trying to connect to my home computer (connection could not be established. Unknown reason").
One thing that I have noticed is that the group on my phone (Mina datorer) has a small cloud symbol next to it. What is this?
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as I wrote the version I guessed that might be where the problem is. Unfortunately I am also guessing that if I update the version on the Win7 PC I will also need to update the version on my Win10 PC and I cannot do that. My company blocks users from updating and installing prograns on the work PC. So I will proably leave it as it is more important to be able to access the PC at home from work than from my iphone.
But thanks for you time and effort .
Hello @younso,
Thank you for your message.
The empty cloud means, that this particular group has been created by another user and has been shared with you.
You will find all the information you need in our Knowledge Base article here: Sharing groups
For your connection problem, please try to restart the TeamViewer service on your home computer.
-Execute Run, type services.msc and press OK
-Now find TeamViewer, and restart it by doing a right click.
Then, restart the TeamViewer application. It should work again.
I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to contact us again.
Jean Kinzler
Community Manager
Hello @younso,
Thank you for your message.
You have said earlier that you are running TeamViewer 10 on your Windows 10 computer. The issue might be caused by a compatibility issue, as Windows 10 does not work with older versions.
Could you please update your computer to the latest TeamViewer version and try again?
You will find all the information you need in our Knowledge Base article here: Which operating systems are supported?
Community Manager
I understand... Tricky situation. :-)
You are welcome.
Hope to see you soon on the Community again!
Community Manager
I get this same error using iOS or the web browser (I use Chrome) when logged into my TeamVeiwer account at
All of my computers are all on TeamViewer 12.0.132598 (Latest TV version 12)
The only method where I can connect to a customer via TeamViewer is my main license activated computer (my work laptop), which I use for most TeamViewer connections to support customers.
Both iOS and the Chrome App state "Error Reason unknown". Looks like a major bug to me. I can't connect to my customers over the web browser. Which I use when I don't have access to my laptop, which admittedly, is not often, but then it's usually a critical issue, like now at 11 PM on our Independence Day holiday and the customer is law enforcement with a critical situation. Luckily another department in my company has ***information removed as per community guideline***, which I loathe as it has other shortcomings, but it works right now...
On another machine I receive an error:
"The remote TeamViewer is running an old version which is out of date.
Therefore you cannot connect to this version anymore.
(... etc how to update)"
Clicking the ok button gives me a "Reason unknown" error.
ALL of my work machines and customer machines are running the latest TeamViewer 12 version.
I don't know when this broke, as I haven't needed to connect to a customer machine with another TeamVewier machine, iOS app, or the web client in a long while. But none of them are connecting when they used to do so in the recent past.
Thanks for the information in this thread. 😊 [removed per Community Guidelines]
Then, I suggest you to update it to the latest version of TeamViewer and check if it works better.
Community Manager
Then, I suggest you to update it to the latest version of TeamViewer and check if it works better.
Community Manager