How to cancel my order

User: "esenpillai"
Updated by JoshP
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    Yeah, that's a load of garbage.  When you try to submit a ticket, it just puts you on an endless loop between the main page and this page.  I, also, have been having issues with canceling my subscription.  I will NOT be paying for this.  If this does not get taken care of, I would suggest contacting the Better Business Bureau.  That is what I am going to do if they haven't settled this within 48 hours.

    I did that too. 

    Yep. I got done on this. TeamViewer hid their practice of automatically renewing the license and taking money from people's bank account unless they give 28 days notice in the fine print at the bottom of the invoice. They neither told me this in the original e-mail or did they send me a renewal notice. 

    I found later that in their documentation that they say that they will send a renewal notice unless local laws do not allow it. This was untrue - actually they will not send a renewal notice unless forced to by local new laws.

    In my case I paid for the license at Australian rate and in Australian dollars, and all my dealings with TeamViewer have been with the Australian office. Under Australian laws the renewal must be sent. But as I was going to be spending a lot of time in China, I put down an address in China.

    Teamviewer then used the lack of Chinese laws not to send the renewal letter claiming I was a Chinese user even though they had happily forced me to pay Australian rates. When I raised these issues and the fact that I no longer use the product (which they can verify from their records) their only response is that they "cannot cancel the subscription".

    TeamViewer has no interest in acting with integrity or dealing with customers fairly. Deal with this company at your own risk.

    User: "JeanK"
    Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @Acecool

    Thank you for your message.

    We understand that denied termination and cancellation requests generate frustration. However, I can guarantee you that TeamViewer does not use any kind of methods in order to deny termination/cancellation requests.

    The rules are simple:

    • For cancellation, the customer can send us a ticket and return the newly purchased TeamViewer license or AddOn licenses within 7-days from purchase and we will refund or cancel the invoice.
    • For termination, the customer has to send us a ticket at the latest 28 days prior to the renewal date.

    Our decisions are all based on our EULA, which is approved and accepted by any customer that purchases a license. We handle every case in the same way, in order to stay fair among all our customers.

    You will find all the information you need in the following articles/documentation :

    Note: Additionally, termination/cancellation requests count from the date the customer sends in the ticket, regardless of how fast the request is processed.

    I hope this could help.



    Community Manager

    I'm going through the same hassle in trying to get them to cancel auto renew and cancel my account altogether.  It has been **bleep** trying to get them to cancel.

    What kind of company is TeamViewer!


    I have had this issue also. There was no reminder or notification that our supscription was renewing - I purchased for 12 month only to get us through until we got a new computer. I haven't used the software in what would now be the new billing cycle. I tried to find an email or a phone number to talk to someone and there was no way for me to get in touch with someone regarding my account. Our credit card expired and I didn't update it, now I am getting what looks like suspecious correspondance  with horrible english from germany demanding the money and have applied all of these extra charges for I dont know what. When I tried to call and verify the message service was in german (which I dont speak) so I have no idea what is going on. This is an absolute joke. DO NOT BUY TEAM VIEWER!

    So here I am a year later (please see my previous post). Teamviewer has charged the autorenewal on my credit card again despite my request already over a year ago to cancel the autorenewal. I have been in contact to support by phone, email and also made a ticket through the support webpage. It's been 11 days and no response to my ticket. Come on Teamviewer! I see no other option but to dispute the credit card charge.

    I also had a forced renewal. In my case Teamviewer hid the automatic renewal at the bottom of the original invoice so I didn't know. They didn't put it in the original e-mail and there was no reminder notice. As a result I got stuck with another years subscrition that Teamviewer forced on me, even though I no longer use the product.

    Even when I am in contact with support and I have asked five times they have still not confirmed that it has been cancelled.

    User: "mpferreira3"
    Updated by JoshP

    Dear TeamViewer team,

    I want to inform the payment of invoice [removed per Community Guidelines]

    I IMMEDIATELY demand the CANCELLATION of any TeamViewer service, and I come to demonstrate my deep DISSATISFACTION with the abusive and predatory policy of improper charging.

    I will never use your services again, and I will never recommend the company to anyone again. I permanently deleted any TeamViewer

    program from my computers. I will file a lawsuit if the amount is not refunded in my credit card. According to the Consumer Defense Code, Brazilian law No. 8078/1990, automatic renewal in the supply of products or services is a PROHIBITED practice.

    For example, Art. 39 says:

    "It is forbidden for the supplier of products or services, among other abusive practices:

    III - send or deliver to the consumer, without prior request, any product, or provide any service;"

    As the automatic renewal was performed without authorization, the amounts unduly deducted from the credit card must be

    reimbursed in double, according to Art. 42:

    Art. 42. Sole paragraph. The consumer charged in an undue amount has the right to repeat the undue amount for an amount equal to

    twice what he paid in excess, plus monetary correction and legal interest unless there is a justifiable mistake. It is essential that, before renewal, there is a CONFIRMATION by the consumer of his intention to renew the contract. In addition, it becomes a situation of extreme embarrassment to be framed as a debtor in an international company. Therefore, I request action regarding the reversal of the amount of R$ 1335.00 on my credit card. If not, I will file a lawsuit together with my lawyers.

    Matheus Pinheiro Ferreira [removed per Community Guidelines] 😠

    Matheus Pinheiro Ferreira

    Please cancel my subscription. I have already requested cancellation since last year!!! why keep sending me invoice and asking me to pay??!! Ridicolous!!! Are you trying to rip us off???

    For others who are planning to purchase TeamViewer license, think twice before you do that!

    Same problem! Cannot create the cancelation ticket! Teamviewer doesn't want to make it a smooth process so we give up. 

    It is incredible how this company wants to make money by not allowing you to cancel a subscription, making it impossible to do so; they give you precise instructions you have to follow but they don't take you any where, the phone number they provide it only gives you prompts and the link to open a ticket keeps on opening tabs in your computer...

    I need to cancel my subscription!!!!! I bought it a year a go and was unable to use it at all, ever!!!

    Hi there,

    It's really grazy. Same here, trying already for more than 1 year to downgrade endprotection licence. Send a ton off emails, multible calls, mostly disconnect at the moment it's almost your turn. And the only digital message you will get is that there's not a ticket (?!!) 
    My god, never ever experienced a company who works like that. 
    In the end Teamviewer will be exit, don't want to spend money to a company like that anymore....wasted way to much time in trying, trying, mailen, calling....etc. 


    User: "hdtvguy"
    Updated by JoshP

    Agreed. Thsi is insane. I have used the free version for a few years. At my company we bought the paid version becasue I liked it so much, but now my perosn veriosn is kicking me out becasue it says I am commerical My commercial work licenes is on seperate email and even computers. Their Virtual Chat **bleep** and sends me in circles trying to reset my licens. Teamviewer needs a competitor asn I will move my personla and not renew my companies account. 

    I have requested a cancellation (of Mobile Support) by email & phone within the 7 days following purchase.  The sales associate never mentioned having to create a ticket.

    Yesterday, I was told I would need to creat a ticket. Immediately following this call, I created a ticket yesterday. 

    After creating a ticket, I received an email acknowledging said ticket.  However, I never received a response.  I noticed that the ticket, after 13 hours, has been closed, with no explanation or any response, either by the case itself, or email, or by phone.

    I have requested a refund through my credit card company.  They responded instantaneously.

    Your software solution that I use seems rock-solid.  Tech support has also been helpful when I can reach it.  But Sales & Customer Support now seems devastatingly poor.  I just simply do not understand how hard it has been to get this resolved - but I sure feel like I've been ghosted.  I'm on the verge of recommending other remote control options other than Teamviewer.

    I have been trying for a week to cancel my subscription, but Team Viewer has made this impossible.

    I have tried to call and chat and have received no responses. When I try to file a ticket I am redirected to the knowledge forum.

    I do not want this service any longer, but am unable to even get a response. It should not be this hard to quit. Based on my experience I would definitely not recommend this service to anyone.

    User: "colcom"
    Updated by JoshP

    ..they wont assist you further..

    @Yuri_T wrote:

    Hi @Ghargreaves ,

    Thank you for your post.

    We can't assist you about billing as per our community guidelines.
    Please contact our support team so that we can assist you further.

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused. 

    Best regards,


    HI @Nellykoo 

    Thank you for your post.

    Sorry to hear, what happened. Maybe there was a misunderstanding. 

    I will forward your case to the responsible colleagues. Really apologize for any inconvenience caused. 

    Due to security reasons, I removed the ticket ID from the message. 

    I wish you a great day and all the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

    User: "bartoc"
    Updated by bartoc

    For the record:

    1. my license was abusively switched to commercial without immediate remedy or notification
    2. I cannot cancel or open a ticket since I deleted my account
    3. Teamviewer answered that they don't have to notify me if there is such a license switch since it's their software
    4. Support will just send back to community for help which probably won't fix my situation
    5. Credit partner issues threat while the discussion is ongoing with Teamviewer

    I never had a worse software support experience in 20+ years.

    Customers HAVE to be notified if a software company stops its service unless they pay. In particular if TV is at fault and a mistake needs to be corrected on the spot and not days or weeks later. The timeframe of fixing the issue without prior notification makes the whole argument from Teamviewer flawed.

    By the way, I called your support. It was useless and counter productive.

    There was a company in Canada that did something similar... a Lawn service. They had their rear handed to them for fraudulent business practices, etc...

    ie: Sales reps would call and ask them to get a free quote - if the homeowner said yes to the free quote, they would mark that as a sale. Instead of quoting, they would do the lawn, bill the 'client', who never signed anything, and report against creditors which greatly affected many thousands of people. It was impossible to cancel, or get any resolution.

    It seems TV may be purposefully SLOW in cancellations in the hopes that you forget, and maybe get a few extra months out of you. Unfortunately, this isn't uncommon in businesses - even though it should be.

    Keep records - if they charge you beyond the date of your cancellation request, then they have to return it.

    Here I was thinking about what a nice idea it would be to have extra features on the personal use side of things, for a one time payment... But if things are this difficult for people paying $600 minimum per year, more than the cost of a phone contract with unlimited everything, then this may have been a bad idea...

    I really hope they resolve these issues, quickly. It does seem like the moderators are trying to help; and that is an excellent sign. Are the moderators even paid, though? If not, why not? They should be on the support staff as they seem to respond very quickly. - The first responded in under 30 minutes of the original post - wow... If support was like that, then I'd be recommending this product more-so, but with all the bad in the community, and elsewhere, it just leaves a bad taste.

    Also, I'm not saying remove the bad posts in the community - that wouldn't help as there are other places to post which are easily searchable which would produce the same result... I'm saying: Help the people having issues --- solve the problems, and do it within a reasonable timeframe.

    -Josh Acecool

    Just to be clear: I suspect that the next step will be to meet TV or credit representatives in court and ask for damages for abusive commercial tactics and reimbursement of the unwarranted license fee.

    I am having the same experience - let me out of here!!

    Got same problem - as I see a lot of other people have! Not very good company ethics for sure!

    So how do you cancel License?

    User: "Yuri_T"
    [Former Staff]

    Hi @peter_liu ,

    Thank you for your post.

    I have double checked with the right department to follow up with you on this case.
    I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please wait for the answer from one of our staff members.

    All the best,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
    User: "vivatrix"
    Updated by vivatrix

    i've sent you a message to know what i can do about it.

    No response so far :(

    Hi there, 

    Thank you for your posts. 

    I'm really sorry to hear what happened, but can confirm that the submitted tickets are already in process. 

    I kindly ask you to be a little bit patient until you'll receive an answer. 

    Thank you very much in advance and for your understanding. 

    Wish you guys a great day and all the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

    On this utterly useless site

    User: "Jonathan"
    [Former Staff]

    Hi esenpillai,

    Thanks for your post.

    You request to our Sales department has been received and you will be notofied once processed. 

    @bartlanz, thanks for your help.

    All the best,





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