Discussion List
1Quick information about ID and Description in Contact ListWhen I post this…
0Recent "Comments" in TeamViewer window for each separate contact.Please add to the right panel information about recent 7 comments leaved by my staff/coworker I wo…
0Live Overview like in DVRI very often open more than 10 connection to client's servers. I connect start downloading upgrades…
1Internal Comments for sessionsWe use comments not just as a way of remembering what was done to our customer, but also as a descr…
Celebrate World Password Day with TeamViewerOnline security can be easy. Join our belated celebration of World Password Day and become a passwo…
0TV APP: Configuration Time out for inactive sesions - 5, 15 .... minutes30 minutes is definittly to long time, There should be ablility to set 5 , 15, .... This Feature R…