Discussion List
Merged: PLEASE - change the download page text "loading now" on custom modulesThis discussion has been merged.
1allow cloning or copying of policy groups to a new groupplease allow us to copy an existing policy to a new policy - this will save a lot of tedious manua…
1Let me pay a small fee for new features.Every time I download Teamviewer, I'm greeted with the option to buy a license. However, there's ne…
0Access hours?TV13Ent MSP Had a request to limit TV access to certain hours (business) for improved security (not…
4Provide clear messagingWhen teamviewer thinks it has identified "commercial use" on a non commercial licence it …
2Fix handling of spaces in Reset Management FormWhen I tried filling out the RM form, I noticed the following in Step 1: The TeamViewer IDs should …
2Remembering screen resolution (Mac OS to a Windows client)I understand that on Mac OS there is no way the screen resolution of a Windows client can be rememb…
2TFA for Connections - Only ping connecting userVERY HAPPY to see this new feature (I suggested this 5 years ago!). However it seems redundant and …
1Feature Request - Computer & Contacts - when Computer is Offline.Feature Request - Computer & Contacts - when Computer is Offline. I would like to access my Com…
8Alert me when a machine reappearsSimilar to how when a machine restarts, Teamviewer offer to alert me when it reappears. I want th…
13D Mouse SupportThis discussion was created from comments split from: How do I use 3D mouse?.
0Teamviewer for people with early alzheimersDear community, and Team Viewer. So my mother in law has early Alzheimers, which of course is a ter…
Extra SecurityIs there an option now or coming for MFA?
1Share internet connection with 'remote' computerThis might seem like a strange idea, but I've come across this situation multiple times now. Situat…
1Get remote screenshot (without logging in)Download a screenshot from a remote computer without the need to login. This could be very useful f…
0Preset for contacts "Disable Remote Input" and "Show Black Screen"Please add 2 new properties to setup for contact: Disable Remote Input Show Black Screen I connect …
What about the roadmap?Is it possible to set a video chat background image, like inMS Teams or **Information removed as pe…
1Comment autosave every 30 seconds, or every change made by user.I want to be sure my comments is saved. I notice that sometimes my comments is disaperaing when my …
0Remote Audio on MacWith COVID keeping churches from meeting, remote worship services are our new norm. Trying to use T…
0Put feature back "Grant Control"Allow meeting attendee control of mouse and keyboard during presentation. Feature was REMOVED in D…
0Terminal multiuserOption to remote activate microphone at remote ID, sometimes need to talk with terminal payment to…
0TeamViewer WEB API - OnLine version - expand all + export do PDF + subscribeIn the following link there is awesome OnLine version of " TeamViewer WEB API" Please a…
0Feature Request - Improve audity, report and control for no logged sessionsHi I have a suggestion to improve the contol and security. I always receive this kind of question f…