Commercial use - Connection time out
Hi All
Help! I am currently in enforced Quarantine. My wife is having problems on her Win 10 boxen. Normally I would just connect from my Macbook (Sierra) and sort it. However, I inadvertently had my VPN on, now I am unable to connect, getting the "suspected commercial use" message. Tried blowing it away and reinstalling, but now, not only do I get the same message but also I am forced to upgrade to a version not supported by Sierra. Hope some one can point me in the right direction as I am going around in circles.
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Please, I will not use the teame viewer for commercial use. Does non-commercial use do not allow the use of i pad thank you
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Recently teamviewer blocks my connection to my personal HP Proliant G7 server, as this device is in my personal network at home for personal use I dont need a commercial license. Before this worked perfectly I used teamviewer many times to do this without issues untill now.
Any solutions? I tried a reinstall but got the same error.
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I have had my computer reset four times and for both ID's (I only use two machines).
within a minute I get the notice again.
how can I permanently reset
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Hello, as a long-term client of this software, suddenly a **bleep** decided to introduce this option and block someone who does not use the program for professional purposes, probably wanting to get thousands of users to register here and then tell you in anger plenty of ugly words because you totally deserve it for your rudeness. What you are doing is a fraud, a lie, a corruption. When we recorded this program on our devices, you said that the version for private purposes is free, but now we see that it is a lie and a scam and that maybe you should be sued because what you are doing is a robbery, of our time wanting to rob us not only for time but also for data. Shame on you. You had no basis to list my license as a professional, which means you are frauds, liars and thieves. Shame on you for doing this. That's why I'll replace you at best, if not sue.
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Bunch if the same unanswered questions, so that mean this was made by puprose to bring people here. Wrong. I am not professional user and I was never professional user, now I will delete your software and found something else, than I will tell the same to all of my friends. Also I will write review about **bleep** on purpose what you are doing with socalled "commercial" usage licence.
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This is on TeamViewer 15.17.7. I use TeamViewer so I can help my aunt manage her computers. I'm on a free license and I am absolutely NOT using TeamViewer for commercial purposes. It's been working flawlessly for years, but now whenever I try to connect to my Aunt's PC, the connection lasts 1 minute, then I kicked off. When I try to reconnect, I get an error saying something about not licensed for commercial use and try again 1 minute later.
I get that it's a free product, but what's changed? Why has the free version been gimped so much that's it's worthless even as a free product? I would have NO problem with paying a 1 time cost so I can continue to support my aunt, but the only pricing options are WAY too much for what I use teamviewer for.
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I am experiencing the exact same issue. Personal use for years to assist my mother, but as of the last couple months i get kicked out and can't get back in. I get the same messages.
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I also have the very same case....... What is going on ? How do I fix it ? Will have to find another "TeamViewer"
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Same problem! Anyone know of a fix?
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Ditto here and I printed out the waiver form, signed it and sent back.
strictly use it to assist my elderly relatives to help them with Computer issues.
I have not made a penny doing this.
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I´ve been blocked to remote in, I have a free license and now I am getting blocked from providing support please how do I unlock my license to provide support
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The connection was blocked. I use it for personal use. Hope you solve it.
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I am in the same boat with CurtisHX and Oilman. Since COVID-19 hit, I have been consistently unsuccessful with reaching anyone by phone for support. The only way I've been able to connect with a LIVE person is if I indicate I am ready to purchase one of the ridiculously high-priced business packages. I too, filled out the required waiver form and received emailed notification that I my account had been reviewed for usage violations and had been cleared of any wrongdoing. It took some weeks, but my free account was finally unlocked. Recently, my account has again been getting the same timeout messages referenced within this blog (albeit with no change/difference in my usage/access patterns), i.e. violation by perceived commercial use and the related permitted 5 minutes connection that actually turns out to be one minute or less!!! I too use my TeamViewer primarily to assist a relative, namely my elderly mother, which I explained in my submitted waiver form, but TeamViewer consistently blocks my attempts to connect remotely with her computers. I have NEVER used TeamViewer as a money-making enterprise, regardless of whatever algorithm they possess states to the contrary. I am very angry and disappointed. Pre-COVID, I recall successfully resolving this type of issue with one phone call and subsequently maintained a long-term, almost permanent fix. I perceive that TeamViewer is currently short on personnel, possibly due to COVID and now they are trying to force customers to upgrade to increase their revenues! I realize that getting something for free shouldn't grant me the right to complain so vehemently. However, I don't appreciate being wrongfully accused and denied use of a resource that I am fully compliant with regarding usage standards!
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This affects me as well. Strictly personal use, but still being logged out after about a minute with the "Your license limits the maximum session duration" with a "Connection to this partner will be blocked until [...]" where it says a time that's one minute after the current time. But after waiting that time I get the same "maximum session" message and the same "Connections to this partner [...]" and the same one minute lock.
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Same problem here: sometime ago I started having this issue and now the mobile app decided unilaterally to upgrade my account to business even if I am only using TeamViewer to help my family members and friends.
I get disconnected immy after trying to remote access any device of “My Computers” and as soon as I try to reconnect I get disconnected again.
Pleased to hear if any solution
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Yeah same thing here;
I use to use TV to use my room's computer wile being in the living room all the time, but lately every five minutes I get disconnect and accused of using TV for commercial purposes, without even providing proof of that, this is honestly offensive as someone who always abided by the "non-commercial purposes" rule.
I send a help request using the "suspected commercial" form about 1 week ago but nothing changed.
Can't help but wonder how much time did they take to solve the issue if I was a paying customer...
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Repost from another comment:
Yeah same thing is happening here;
I use to use TV to use my room's computer wile being in the living room all the time, I have been doing it since forever, but lately every five minutes I get disconnect and accused of using TV for commercial purposes, without even providing proof of that, this is honestly offensive as someone who always abided by the "non-commercial purposes" rule.
I send a help request using the "suspected commercial" form about 1 week ago but nothing changed.
Can't help but wonder how much time did they take to solve the issue if I was a paying customer...
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Count me in as well :(
I also send a request about 1 week ago but got completely ignored, all I do is control the computer in my bedroom upstairs ("fixed" desktop computer), with my laptop when I'm in my living room... been doing it since freaking forever but now all of a sudden I'm accused of doing it for commercial purpose?
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I have the same issue. Worked fine for years and now it throws me out after 60 seconds every time. I am not using it any differently.
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I have been using Team Viewer for years and now it throws me out after 60 seconds saying I am using it commercially. I am not using it any differently. I only use it to connect to my mother's PC to assist her. The reset form DOES NOT WORK! It produces a message saying 'error' and generates an empty pdf file which cannot be downloaded. Please reset my account!
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Have the same issue, seen this post as answered but could not find any answer!! Missing something??
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Same issue here, hopefully it gets fixed soon
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This s istupid. Strictly personal use, but still being logged out after about a minute with the "Your license limits the maximum session duration" with a "Connection to this partner will be blocked until [...]" where it says a time that's one minute after the current time. But after waiting that time I get the same "maximum session" message and the same "Connections to this partner [...]" and the same one minute lock.
Staff, can you help me?
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I`ve exactely the same problem since one week!
I`m a private user. Is sombody able to help?
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This affects me as well. Strictly personal use, but still being logged out after about a minute with the "Your license limits the maximum session duration" with a "Connection to this partner will be blocked until [...]" where it says a time that's one minute after the current time. But after waiting that time I get the same "maximum session" message and the same message.... I've never used Team viewer for anything but access to my personal computers on my home network, mainly for access to my computer running BlueIris camera software hidden in a closet.. This is crazy because when I open Team viewer it says that I'm a personal use user...
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Dear TeamViewer.
I have been using your product since 2014 when **Third Party Product** went to their paid subscription plan. but then a friend told me about TeamViewer. and I was so relieved because I live 1000 miles away from my mom and I was able to help set up her computer w/ TeamViewer.
on and off through the nearly past decade, I have been able to help my friends and family with various issues. I have never ever been paid to help them and they are usually older folks struggling to understand why something quit working on their computer.
ever since 2020, TeamViewer has really become a pain to use. there's always UPDATES (because I don't use it that often- I am behind and so is my mom or cousin or friend I had helped in the past)
so then you have to update.
and not this garbage that my account has been flagged as commercial ! WHY?! You can see that my account is not used often, tho, this month - and April, it was b/c my cousin had problems with her Mac and virtual windows communicating. and then my mom needed help with a privacy setting on her computer and suddenly after a few mins I was kicked off her computer saying commercial use suspected.
THAT IS CRAZY. and now we have to wait for someone to go through and look to reset our accounts when you you can do a data search I'm certain of how often an account actually uses TeamViewer.
or when a device on an account has been accessed by another TV user.
so give us little people back our personal free accounts so we can help our relatives b/c trying to FaceTime and see their screen and explain stuff is EXHAUSTING for them and their loved one trying to help them.
I hope you get this resolved quickly, again I am more than certain one of your employees can easily write up an algorithm to check free accounts and how often the remote access is ACTUALLY USED.
if someone is using it EVERYDAY with their max of 50 computers - UM. I would suspect them of commercial use.
people that have less than 10 computers (sometimes old computers don't get removed, but there too , TV can see that the computer has been off line for 80 months ! humm... ). and check their usage history. someone that is using TV once a day. or even maybe it will be several times in one day but that there will be hiatus between the usage. It had been about a month since I had helped my mom when I was suddenly getting "commercial use suspected" message and kicked off after just barely getting to her computer settings.
then my cousin that took me hours and multiple times working with her because she has a job and we are in different time zones. and initially I couldn't even get TeamViewer to work b/c she has an older Mac and can't upgrade and I have a new Mac and so trying to get TeamViewer to work b/f stupid updates issues was another long drawn out thing.
you know, if you want to make TeamViewer personal paid for, then make it reasonable. I liked TeamViewer, but not for $50/month. I don't use it that often and I AM A STAY AT HOME MOM I don't make any money. and I can' afford $50 month. but if you made $50/year maybe that would be worth it. but MAKE THE program work.
and use your freaking common sense and make algorithms that are actually looking for personal use breeches . not to be an unusable tool that has made helping others and teaching older people how to use their computer as painless as possible.
losing my faith in a once great product. it was nice while it lasted.
I'll be looking for another service, even if paid as long as it is reasonable.
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Not sure why, I believe there needs to be a look over in order to help clear things up.
Much appreciate
A form link didn't render access to a form, curious what else is there aside from creating another account?=/
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2 weeks ago i get kicked out of every session to my friends and parents
the esxception tells me that i need a license
but i use this accout very rarly
so how i can fix this
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same problem here