TeamViewer 14
Discussion List
Ubuntu 19.04 and teamviewer 14.7.1965 not connecting to android hostI'd like to use teamviewer to remote manage my android kiosk devices. Registered and logged in. Ins…
Teamviewer ID and I.P. subnetI am currently in Sri Lanka but remotely manage my own home computer back in the UK. All has worke…
How to deny access to kick person from sessionHow to deny access to kick a person from session? Thanks please get back ASAP
Sharing SCREEN often, not-always, not-possible : impossible to use, often not-always, TeamViewerSametime on tablet with kitkat-android, when I run the latest version of TeamViewer-Q I can work on…
"Can't remote connect to an older version"? Both versions are the newest!I have been using Team Viewer Free Remote Management for years without any problems. This morning …
Not Requiring passwords; New User Question ?Hello, Brand new user, so not yet as familiar with software as I will hopefully become. Using it …
MacOS CatalinaWe have a client that recently upgraded to MacOS Catalina, and now no matter what we do with securi…
Could not download the portables version from websiteHi, I could not download the portables version for my personal use. Is there any way I can do it?
Teamviewer subscription still says expiredHi, We currently have a Corporate subscription that have just been extended until 23 August 2020. …
Unable to use TeamviewerI would like to know how to get rid of this black overlay, it makes it impossible to use TeamViewer…
Teamviewer 14.2.2558 service starts slowHello! After upgrade to Teamviewer 14.2.2558 I've noticed that TeamViewer_Service.exe starts slowe…
Your TeamViewer account has been locked. How to resolve this?Hello teamviewer, I love to use your softawre. It really helps when remoting my friend desktop. Bu…
Potential malware implemented during a sessionHello, I'm a little confused and hope someone can explain to me how it might have happened So I wa…
TV 14 on linux Manjaro, "Not ready..."im completely stuck, I have been at this for days and im pulling out my hair. ❰greg❙~❱✔≻ sudo s…
Wake up PC from ios device not workingI have paired my teamviewer account on my iphone and on my computer but when I try to press on the …
server Xenon 2,4GHz + Matrox G200e - issue with speedI have a system with Windows2008 R2 Foundation. There is Matrox G200e (driver version driv…
TeamViewer won't open on macHello - I have had a mac for 4 years and always had trouble with teamviewer... I have recently upgr…
mouse blockingAnyone else have problems after installing the latest update? the processor was overload and teamv…
Latest Update 14.7.1965 - Windows 10 - Connecting ...After updating, 75% of the time, we receive 'Connecting...' and nothing past that when attempting t…
First time Sr. Citizen User Questions, PleaseHello, Am in my 80's ow, so please put up with a few dumb questions. I miss many of the nuances no…
Activate my licenseMy account **Please do not post personal information** has been disabled because of late payment, i…
Compatibility with older versionsI switched to teamviewer 14 today, but my client still has version 13. I was able to connect, but I…
"Custom Device Information" and "Advanced Device Grouping" - not visibleIn my small organization we all have instaled TV14. On my TV account (admin) I see all "Custo…