Commercial usage
Discussion List
Get a "replacement" IDIs it possible to get a new Team Viewer ID to permanently replace an existing ID?
Merged: Is the "reset management" page broken?This discussion has been merged.
Merged: TeamViewer thinks my use is commercialThis discussion has been merged.
Wallpaper blackWhen connecting to the team viewer, by default the team viewer hides the wallpaper of the device be…
Merged: Detection of commercial use by free users.This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Session timeout - connection blocked....after 30 secondsThis discussion has been merged.
An error occoured while retrieving your license. Please restart the application or contact our suppoI have had a teamviewer account for personal use for a number of years, so when I started doing com…
When will Last Active column be fixed? What's the workaround until then?Currently when going to Managed Devices under Company Administration, the "Last Active" c…
Hi I am looking for some tutorial on how to connect using Teamviewer from N-central.Hi, I am looking for some tips that will enable me to connect using N-central as a connection sourc…Answered ✓ Matej_Celjak_IDE3_IT 905 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Matej_Celjak_IDE3_IT Deployment & Integrations
How do I reset to a free use account after using a free 14-day commercial license?I purchased a 14-day trial after my free account was flagged for commercial use (I was not using it…
Reactivation form does not work for meFor whatever reason my user has been flagged as being used commercially. That is definitely not th…
Merged: Return to free versionThis discussion has been merged.
Merged: Return to free versionThis discussion has been merged.
Installing Team Viewer on corporate laptop to access my home computerHi there, I was thinking about installing team viewer on the machine I got from my work, so that I…
Merged: Unable to clear old 'Commerical Use' PDF form.This discussion has been merged.
Merged: TeamViewer says I have to subscribe - I mainly use it to help my parents with technologyThis discussion has been merged.
Cannot add computer to group without administrator rightsWe have several machines on which we intend to install Teamviewer Host. The machines currently only…
Being asked to pay an invoiceI've been using TV with a license and user that my workplace gave me from my home PC now the licen…
Screen black / white in most appsI've been using Teamviewer for over 5 years and its only been the past year or so I've encountered …
Strongly Disklike The New User InterfaceStrongly dislike the new user interface. Strongly dislike the 10 extra steps to view the ID and Pas…
How much time for the password after resetting free license.Hello, it's Vincenzo. I was wrongly detected for commercial use, reset the account, filled the form…
I have activated my account 3 times now but it is still showing as a free versionI purchased TeamViewer remote support today. We need it to be able to remotely control the computer…
Multiple TeamViewer Sessions on the same Windows Terminal Server at the same timeGood Morning! Is it possible to start multiple TeamViewer sessions simultaneously on the same windo…
Merged: Teamviewer thinks my newly purchased remanufactured Dell PC is a corporate commercial PC!This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Mislabelled as commercial and unable to raise a support ticket.This discussion has been merged.