Commercial use - Connection time out



  • Kylian01
    Kylian01 Posts: 31 ✭✭

    this is the MAIl i got


    Dear TeamViewer User,
    Thank you for your request regarding being unblocked from using the free version of TeamViewer. After reviewing the information provided to us, we were unable to confirm that the submitted ID is being used privately.
    Requiring commercial users to purchase a license is also part of our effort to maintain the free version, and to therefore make help accessible to everyone. The free version is for people who are using it to help family and friends.
    To continue using TeamViewer, there are two options for you to consider:
    1) We encourage you to purchase a license that fits your needs: https://w w w. teamviewer. com/pricing
    If you need help finding the perfect license, we will be happy to assist you personally:
    2) THIS FORM is a declaration of private use that needs to be printed, signed personally and sent back to us at the following email address
    When you return this to us, we will review your response confirming your declaration of private use and use this to determine whether we can re-enable your use of TeamViewer.
    For more information regarding the commercial use of the free version of TeamViewer, please refer to our community statement: https://community. teamviewer. com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Why-do-I-see-Commercial-use-suspected-Commercial-use-detected/ta-p/5265
    If you are not sure whether you are using TeamViewer commercially,
    please give us a call:
    We are looking forward to hearing from you.
    Kind regards,
    Your TeamViewer Team

  • LandRocket
    LandRocket Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Seriously there needs to be an intermediary licence between commercial and free.

    I can get a Windows VPS for 3GBP a month, but better not use TeamViewer on it as that will **bleep** my account. But a lot of the alternatives dont work with my accessibility tools (I use a SGD aka a PC with eye gaze to access tech) which means I'm a lot slower than most folk at accessing my own resources or my mum - that's the only people I have on my Teamviewer account. Think its 6 devices without looking. So I'm more likely to get flagged as I do need to be connected for long periods of time.

    That's why when it stops working it really stuffs me up.

    I will pay for that, but I haven't got £500 a year to do that, not on disability benefits
  • leossmith
    leossmith Posts: 4

    So basicaly they are tagging random pcs or ips in order to push people to buy the commercial license even for private use.

    This is very nice...

  • LandRocket
    LandRocket Posts: 7 ✭✭
    I must admit I would have liked to know what happened this last time

    My connection should have been LAN-LAN as I was accessing from living room to kitchen, same wifi connection on both. Cant get more local than that.
  • KDM-DE
    KDM-DE Posts: 1

    I have the same exact issue.  I submitted the ticket and got the email saying my ID was reset.  An entire month passed.  I resubmitted the ticket and got another email saying my ID was reset yesterday.  And I STILL have the same problem.

    I spoke to sales chat and they just told me to submit the ticket again and go to the knowledge base [here], and no one has any answers.

  • TheComputerHypn

    I'm having the exact same problem. Connected to my home from a hotel room. submitted personal use declaration form. not good enough for TV. Regardless of their response, their policies HAVE changed. They offered me a single commercial license for $500+. Are you kidding me? Time to find another solution. Bye bye TV. Your policies and prices will eventually cause you to crash and burn.

  • sKaaP
    sKaaP Posts: 1


    I'm currently a university postgraduate student and I'm considering using TeamViewer free version to access a computer at the lab remotely to start and stop analysis software.

    I am aware that you aren't allowed to use TeamViewer commercially without a licence and I want to find out whether this counts as commercial use. Realistically I wouldn't consider this commercial use, but who knows what the detection algorithm will decide.

    I would like some clarity on this before I set it up, as I would be relying on this connection. Otherwise I will have to make a different arrangement or request additional funding for the licence fee, in which case a definite answer on this matter would assist in aquiring that funding.


  • WRFB
    WRFB Posts: 1

    How long does it take for the commercial flag to be reset?  I have received my "yes you are definitely only doing non-commercial so we will unflag you" email 3 days ago, but the commercial restrictions are still in place.  I requested it for an account that handles 3 puters at a volunteer organisation from my home puter.  All remote puters have been restarted.


  • Kylian01
    Kylian01 Posts: 31 ✭✭

    teamviewer does not seem to care anymore

  • chc
    chc Posts: 1

    I too have had this ... I last used this to support my mother on teh other side of the world ... about 6 months ago. Now I wanted to do so again and I get a notice sayig that I am using it for commercial use! As you say, ridiculous! Clearly there is a problem with their detection algorithm.

  • g4ugm
    g4ugm Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I filled in the feedback  in the app with my e-mail address and had my free access restored...

  • starega
    starega Posts: 1

    same problem

  • StarNamer
    StarNamer Posts: 1

    I was effectively blocked nearly a year ago and got my account reset to free, but that was when you could email support. Now the submit a ticket says it will only accept licensed users.

    I used to use TeamViewer to connect to my home PC from my work PC and suspect that the iisue is the work end, which is obviously running in an enterprise domain.

    The last few times I tried it, it allowed me a session which must have lasted barely a minute - enough time to open 2 web pages - before it closed it and said I couldn't reconnect for about 15 minutes. I looked for somewhere to request my ID be reset (again) but coulkdn't find anywhere. From other replies, I suspect it would only get blocked again.

    [removed per Community Guidelines - Sales/solicitation policy]

    Obviously TV isn't interested in its free users any more as it doesn't make any money out them.

  • F1nchy
    F1nchy Posts: 4

    Same problem here. I installed it on my Synology NAS to see how it works on it and now I get the message pop up most times I run Teamviewer, despite me only using it at home for my own personal use and occasionally helping family when they have computer problems.

    No way to create a support ticket as I'm a free user with no license, bit of a catch 22....


  • g4ugm
    g4ugm Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Use the feedback menu to give feedback. Seemed to work for me... 

    @chc wrote:

    I too have had this ... I last used this to support my mother on teh other side of the world ... about 6 months ago. Now I wanted to do so again and I get a notice sayig that I am using it for commercial use! As you say, ridiculous! Clearly there is a problem with their detection algorithm.


  • jor5
    jor5 Posts: 4
    Hi all,

    Just got automatically flagged as commercial use detected. Nothing has changed on my end and ive used their online form to request that it's reset. I found it a little suspicious though and had a little lightbulb moment and searched my email to see when I first installed it. Turns out it was 27 June 2018. I can't imagine it's a coincidence that they've flagged me after I've gone over 1 year of use.

    It's definitely not commercial though, just using my mobile to connect to my home PC for convenience.
  • jor5
    jor5 Posts: 4
    Just installed **Third Party Product** to get back up and running. Guess I've got the best part of a week to try it out before TV unlock me, presuming they do! ?
  • jor5
    jor5 Posts: 4

    Oh hilarious, you filter out the word ***information removed by Moderator***?? How paranoid do you have to be? ?

  • arthurd123

    I have the same issue it's apalling the way TemViewer has treated users recently with their silly new updates. 

  • Tkz
    Tkz Posts: 1
    I feel your pain, they've done it to my account as well
  • Fakestshemp

    Same, getting the commercial use issue despite having all of about 10 pc's in my connection list and connecting to only about 3 of them with any regularity (my really incompetent friends). If I'm a business I'll be homeless soon :\

  • NTS-Service

    Same as my Account

  • NTS-Service

    Same in my case.. ist not nice whats Teamviewer do

  • leossmith
    leossmith Posts: 4

    So after years of using teamviewer they decide to treat us like this. It would be more honest to say, we decided to limite free users to some devices or anything.

    I started using *** third party product*** which works as should, as TV doesn't want to reply on my form. Sad.

    [edited due to our  User Guidelines]

  • AlenaC
    AlenaC Posts: 932 Moderator

    Hello there,

    thank you all for your comments and welcome to the Community :)

    Please read this article and fill out the form, contained in it: Why do I see 'Commercial use suspected' / 'Commercial use detected' 

    Please understand that we receive a lot of requests from all over the world and our dedicated team needs time to process all requests.

    Thanks for your understanding and patience.

    Have a nice day! Happy Monday!

    Spanish Community Moderator :)

  • LandRocket
    LandRocket Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Hello, and many thanks for the reply.

    I still think it would be nice to at least receive an automated response saying the form has been filled in and that you will investigate in due course.

    I'd also like the option to send in logs, as I'm always happy to prove what I'm doing.

    As a VOCA user (speech generation device) it's important that I can access my own PCs with TV, and it does take me longer than most.

  • leossmith
    leossmith Posts: 4

    @AlenaC wrote:

    Hello there,

    thank you all for your comments and welcome to the Community :)

    Please read this article and fill out the form, contained in it: Why do I see 'Commercial use suspected' / 'Commercial use detected' 

    Please understand that we receive a lot of requests from all over the world and our dedicated team needs time to process all requests.

    Thanks for your understanding and patience.

    Have a nice day! Happy Monday!

    Although it is nice to hear from you, even from here, I have been sending you the form for more than 2 months now. Not even an automated reply, nothing. At least make an announcement that the new update causes this so people can avoid it. I hope you solve this soon, if it is indeed a problem.

  • Hwoarang45

    i just got the same pop up, after many years installing teamviewer in my pc, so dissapointed as i hardly use it, max maybe 2 to 3 times a week for few minutes session. What i hate most is being accused of something i did not do, like stealing their app for commercial use. 

    Now i opt for **Third Party Product** on chrome browser instead, its free and non intrusive without any large download and background resource hogging. Best of all no one accuse you of using their apps for commercial gain. 

  • Fragerjap
    Fragerjap Posts: 1

    Hello, please remove a connection limit for my Iphone device (Version 14.3.2 CL, TeamViewer ID: **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**) to my PC (Version 14.3.4730, TeamViewer ID: **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**). I'm using a free version of TeamViewer.

    I use my phone to play games from my PC (sometimes even when I at home in bed or another room) or to check some photos or memos when I am away. Some connections may be as long as several hours with just a bit of clicking, I have a log file from my phone:

    [Removed per Community Guidelines]

    I've tried to address the issue via desktop app, but it seems it is meant for reviews only.

    There is a similar topic here:

  • Technut
    Technut Posts: 13

    AlenaC, welcome to our growing community of disgruntled TeamViewer users. Glad you could take a break from your post-editing to make a brief appearance.

    We hope that you can take a moment to explain what TeamViewer is doing to fix this mess they have created. But that's probably too much to hope for from a "moderator" so perhaps you could pass this message along. Nobody from the company apparently cares enough to come explain things here. It's nice that they pay for a forum and for a moderator as a token gesture of customer service, but it would be much more helpful if they showed some actual concern for their customers and addressed our issues.

    A lot of us have been using TeamViewer for what are clearly non-Commercial purposes for many years. Now TeamViewer, apparently based off a flawed algorithm, has started falsely accusing their customers of being commercial users. Having been falsely accused, we are then deprived of our fair use of the product until we request a review. Then, as if being falsely accused and summarily "punished" isn't insulting enough, TeamViewer adds insult to injury by failing to acknowledge our review requests or to respond to them for months (or perhaps even never responding).

    The result is that customers are effectively banned from using the product after a single false accusation of commercial use, and without any hope of a timely appeal of that ban.

    If TeamViewer actually cared about their customers then they would: 
    1) come explain themselves;
    2) fix the faulty algorithm;
    3) fix the review process; 

    Since none of those have happened, it is clear to me that TeamViewer is INTENTIONALLY banning personal use from their product and is lying about it when they claim that is not their goal.

    How can you trust a company to do the right thing when even their "BELIEFS" are a lie?

    Our Beliefs
    Customer First
    We believe in customer first. We want to be the easiest company to work with, from first contact to long-lasting mutual partnership.
    We believe in trust. We practice honest, forthright communication in every interaction to increase confidence and trust in our organization.
    Kse Dyna --