Discussion List
Merged: Free personal license blockedThis discussion has been merged.
Merged: Locked Out of Remote Due to LicenseThis discussion has been merged.
Cannot connect using Teamviewer with LicenceSince I have been using a licensed version I cannot connect to remote device (windows 11) Before I …
Merged: Error: licence is required for additional requestsThis discussion has been merged.
How do I find out how long my subscription (license) is valid for?I can’t find anywhere where to see the license, its expiration date, and I can’t find how to contac…
License isn't showingHello I have a TeamViewer Business Yearly Subscription valid until 9th September 2024, however this…
Purchased Remote Access License but still says my account is license is Free, How to solve?I purchased a single user remote access license today, which shows up in the customer portal as act…
Team Users from different countryHi, my main company is based in China and we are looking to avail either a premier or corporate lic…
Merged: Reset form - Not possible to fill it out againThis discussion has been merged.
How to activate old version Teamviewer license.Hi, I have an old version of teamviewer license (teamviewer 9) recently, my old harddrive crashed,…
Add the computer to your Computers & ContactsI'm just trying to connect two computers. Bought a personal license. on the "Team Viewer Manag…
Unable to WOL with android. Log Files show error no license.I have used Team Viewer for a very long time. A few years ago I got flagged as commercial use. I fi…
Re-sending activation link?Hello, we have purchased a TeamViewer Remote Access license a while back, but the activation link w…
Merged: Free License ResetThis discussion has been merged.
license and remot eaccessHave just paid for an extra remote access addon on top of my 1 user access to 3 designated compute…
Sessions time out, suspected commercial use, only in Mint, not in Windoze.I remotely control a computer at my church, on a volunteer basis. My home PC is dual boot. I MUCH p…
Has anyone who bought a lifetime license for earlier version (5) gotten free update to v.1?In September 2010 I bought a lifetime license for Teamviewer 5. Was I under the mistaken impression…
File transfer job queue no longer available on free version?The Job Queue tab on TeamViewer File Transfer is now greyed out and tells me to "update" …
Professional license, how long do I have to pay before service is interrupted?Having issues getting the owner of a small business to pay the license. How long do I have before t…
"A Remote Access license can only be activated on an account without any other license"?I've purchased a Remote Access (individual) license that I'm trying to activate, but whenever I fol…
How can I assign the license to TeamViewer Host?We have a Corp License. One year ago, we installed a TeamViewer host and assigned the host to the m…
Unable to sign in to new account with Tensor licenseI am trying to login to my new account which has a Tensor license but I get an error because the ol…
Why does my Business license show as free from Teamviewer on LinuxWhy does my Business license (which shows as business on the web management console) show as a free…