Discussion List
[macOS] v15.32.3Operating system: macOS Version: 15.32.3 Release date: 2022-07-26 Bugfixes Minor fixes and improve…
Connecting from Mac to Windows 11 PC cant control anything on screenHi I am connecting from a new macbook to my Windows 11 PC. It has been working well but suddenly wh…
Is host deployment to macOS possible via InTuneI've been reading through the posts on the forums and can find a way of deploying the host via a sc…
[macOS] v15.31.5Operating system: macOS Version: 15.31.5 Release date: 2022-06-28 Improvements Minor fixes and imp…
Mac M1 SiliconHi! I've got the M1 chip MacBook Air. I just installed TeamViewer and was able to get my account co…
Merged: Hide TeamViewer Icon From Mac Menu BarThis discussion has been merged.
Problem accessing Ubuntu 18.04 from MacOSHi. I have 3 Linux servers at home, all installed with Ubuntu 18.04. When working outside of the ho…
Teamviewer Integration in MacOS (Monterey) via MobileIron (onPremise)Hello, we want to deploy Teamviewer via MobileIron on MacOS Monterey. This Links doesn't work: http…
When I end my session, the friend I was connected to gets logged out on his MacI use TeamViewer to help an elderly friend across town. We both use Macs. Lately, each time I disc…
Turn off notificationsHow do I turn off the little grey notifications that pop up at the top right of my monitor? I was a…
1Opening new sessions in separate windows in TeamViewer for macOS...This is something you have supported in the Windows version for years. People using TeamViewer on m…
[macOS] v15.30.3Operating system: macOS Version: 15.30.3 Release date: 2022-05-24 New features It is now possible …
[macOS] v15.29.4Operating system: macOS Version: 15.29.4 Release date: 2022-04-26 New features It's now possible t…
Can not get past helper installerI am trying to help a friend on his Macbook Pro remotely and had him download the latest version of…
Mac Users without Admin RightsWe have users who have taken their Macs home but are not local admins. When tey download QuickConn…
macOS Big Sur: The application "TeamViewer" is not open anymore.Hello, It seems that the application is not working anymore. I tried reinstalling it but it still g…
Questionable app behaviourWhy does the app keep making mutliple copies of it's icon in my Dock? I'm running macOS Catalina. S…
How to fix jumping text cursor when using at-sign?When you take remote control from Windows machine to Mac OS machine, when you try to type email add…Question Niklas_at_Cloudlife 33 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Niklas_at_Cloudlife General questions
[macOS] v15.28.8Operating system: macOS Version: 15.28.8 Release date: 2022-04-01 New features The device descrip…
[macOS] v15.28.7Operating system: macOS Version: 15.28.7 Release date: 2022-03-31 Bugfixes Fixed a bug where an er…
Hot Corners from local host are sent to remote computer mac os 12 montereyCan somebody confirm this behaveiour with teamviewer 15 on mac os 12? As long as the teamviewer win…
[macOS] v15.28.5Operating system: macOS Version: 15.28.5 Release date: 2022-03-22 New Features New remote session…
Can I assign a password or enable easy access during Deployment to MacOS?I am deploying to a fleet of Macs and everything is working except I do not see any way to assign a…