TeamViewer 14
Discussion List
Where is stored the TeamViewer QuickSupport IDI need to use teamviewer quicksupport ID, but i don't find in the TeamViewer registry in windows.
TeamViewer 14 remote update problemHello I recently updated my Tw to version 14. After the upgrade I noticed that the remote clients …
connecting to older computerHello, I am currently trying to connect to my Dad's computer but it has windows Vista and my comput…
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Gnome: GUI not loading[logs removed per Community Guidelines]
Canceling my subscription and getting a refundHi, It's a bit frustrating on how I can cancel my subscription. I tried to call your support and j…
Error remote updating TeamViewer from v10 to v14I'm having a problem updating machines running TeamViewer. The only machines I have problems with a…
Merged: Team ViewerThis discussion has been merged.
QuickSupport stoped working when I deactivated the owner-account of the moduleHi! I have a colleague that are no longer working with me and he set up our TeamViewer QuickSuppor…
Teamviewer 14 does not login after reboot on Win 10We are using TV14 for commercial use and our company has bought us the proper license. After the sy…
Session limit reached when nobody connectedSince just over 30 minutes ago, I have not been able to connect to any computer on my console (I am…
How can client PCs send support requests to assigned account from TeamViewer standard full version?Hi! Today I purchased a TeamViewer Business license. I will use Ninite Pro to distribute and updat…
planningis it possible to restrict the use of Teamviewer to days of the week? That is to say block connecti…
Use curl to download custom quick support for MacI'm trying to set up clean installs with scripting on the mac and set up teamviewer quicksupport. …
Host Control of Amazon Fire TabletPlease add a Plug-in/Add-on App to allow full control of Amazon Fire Tablet through Host. Currentl…
Team Viewer Host 14 check for updateHello, I use TV 14 and all host has Check for new version and Install new versions automatically gr…
Teamviewer 14 is slowI upgraded to TeamViewer 14 to both my remote and home computer and my connection was really really…
confirmation email containing a device authorization link not receivedHi. I have a paid account.. Not this one. I had to make this account just so I could get help as yo…
Connection not established authentication cancelledI can not connect to any of my computers!! is this a common problem? I have so much I am meant …
Teamviewer 14 (Linux) and HiDPII've just finished doing some checks about Team Viewer 14 (TV14) Linux version and HiDPI. Version …
Older versions on old Windows PlatformsI am trying to connect to older TeamViewer versions on BackUp PC's. On my Windows 10 and my iPhone …
Mouse and keyboard do not work on Elementary OSHello, Mouse and keyboard do not work on Elementary OS (Debian). No problem to open a TeamViewer s…
Windows XP issues & latest supported version v14.2.56674 not available to downloadAlthough v14.2 is the latest version available for Windows XP I am getting a number of the same iss…
Can't connect through Teamviewer client from the management console?I haven't used this in months because I only sporadically need to look at my home computer from oth…
Teamviewer cannot connect when multiple networksI have a PC under W7x64, with 3 network cards. Only one of them is connected to the Internet, the 2…
msra.exe bad image error citing tv_x64.dll Windows 10 1903We use TeamViewer to remote to a computer offsite and then use Windows Remote Assistance to help st…
TVMainThreadCallHello! I try to use TeamViewer 14. When I try to launch Teamviewer I give message: Please help…