Discussion List
Teamviewer is using your Microphone, volume dropped 80% as result.We love using teamviewer but have a strange problem. When connecting to a machine for some reason …
How do I find & download specific versions of TeamViewer?TL;DR: Where can I do to locate & download specific versions of TeamViewer? Long Story: I curre…
Malwarebytes and Google ChromeSuddenly Malwarebytes is preventing Chrome from opening up for use on Windows 11 devices. I have m…
[Windows] v15.42.7Operating system: Windows Version: 15.42.7 Release date: 2023-06-06 Improvements The TeamViewer l…
No Audio, Video Option Available During the SessionGreetings! I remember last time I used teamviewer there used to be options to enable audio (i.e., H…
Easy Access suddenly not workingGreetings! I have been using TeamViewer on computers at home, office, and a NAS. Recently I found t…
[Windows] v15.42.6Operating system: Windows Version: 15.42.6 Release date: 2023-05-30 Improvements The prompt for co…
[Windows] v15.41.9Operating system: Windows Version: 15.41.9 Release date: 2023-05-04 Bugfixes Fixed a bug which cau…
/api/v1/reports/connections issueHello, I am trying to get the "notes" field contain in the /api/v1/reports/connections in…
[Windows] v15.42.4Operating system: Windows Version: 15.42.4 Release date: 2023-05-23 Improvements The option to rec…
[Windows] v15.41.10Operating system: Windows Version: 15.41.10 Release date: 2023-05-16 New features Beta version of …
Installation TroubleshootMy teamviwer recently begane giving me an error message everytime I opened it saying that one or mo…
1Timing out after inactive sessionI want to request to adjust the Timing out after inactive session time the minimum is 30. Is it pos…
No ID or Password displayed for Teamviewer 14Hi I have a continuing issue with Teamviwer 14 on a Windows 10 computer in that when i open it to …
[Windows] v15.40.8Operating system: Windows Version: 15.40.8 Release date: 2023-03-23 Bugfixes Fixed a bug that preve…
How do I disable host audio without stopping remote machine audio?Good morning, the reason i'm writing this message is because A friend who takes his android tablet …
How to remote control ipad pro with windows and linux operating system?I want to remotely control my iPad Pro using TeamViewer with a device running Windows operating sys…
Windows start menu is tiny and other window is blank - only in teamviewer remoteWhen i connect to my laptop with teamviewer, the windows start menu is tiny and scrolling down the …
TeamViewer Service listening on port 5353Why is TeamViewer_Service.exe listening on UDP port 5353 (mDNS) ? There is no mention of this behav…