Discussion List
File transfer job queue no longer available on free version?The Job Queue tab on TeamViewer File Transfer is now greyed out and tells me to "update" …
TeamViewer Service listening on port 5353Why is TeamViewer_Service.exe listening on UDP port 5353 (mDNS) ? There is no mention of this behav…
SSO errorI have followed the steps for SSO login with detail. Single Sign-On for Azure Active Directory - T…
how to allow two accounts to access the same host ?Hello, how to allow two accounts to access the same host ? thanks ;)
Is there a way to create a shortcut to a web browser client?I would like a way to kick off a web client as a bookmark. Basically …
How to hear audio output and input from calls using remote control?Our work requires one specific feature that involves me as the one doing the remote control over my…
Want to raise a support ticketEvery time I request to raise a support ticket, it just brings me back to the community page. I hav…
Remote Control requesting ConfirmationHello everyone. Today I ran into some issues when trying my mother to setup an unattended access t…
End of service announcement for chrome appWhile connecting to a remote computer I got this message ( i was unable to upload the picture) En…
Microphone TransmissionI know that I can hear the sound of host pc on Client side. But I also want to know I can transmit…
Using Microsoft Teams meetings via remote TeamViewer connectionHi Community. My daughter is working for her company and remotely connecting to her desktop. Works…
start connection with minimized toolbarthere is an option to start a connection with those toolbar (circled in red) automatically minimize…
Version 15 Crashing OftenLatest version of teamviewer 15 just keeps on crashing. My computer is running a newly installed Wi…
Starting Teamviewer directly from websiteHi: I am trying to find a way to start teamviewer directly from the website. Our customers use our …
How to connect without a password?I'm a free user. I live in Florida running Team Viewer on my desktop. I log into my desktop when v…
Premium planHello, Me and my coworkers are trying to decide if we need support for mobile devices with our plan…
Teamviewer starts but never loadeds Ubuntu 20.04Greetings, In my fist attempts to get teamviewer working with ubuntu, I've been struggling to get …
Command-line to change the Teamviewer Random password (for spontaneous access) password strength v15We would like to change the current Teamviewer Random password (for spontaneous access) password st…
0Any way to paste the Windows logon password?I set up Teamviewer 15 for unattended access to various Windows 7 computers, and granted myself Eas…
Connecting then back to Ready to ConnectFrom the connect screen I enter the Partner ID which I know is correct, the remote control button i…
How to connect USB port from local to remote computerHi! I would ask about how can I access the USB port from local to remote computer. Here is the exam…
Unattended AccessHi, how can I get rid of Unattended Access section (the part that I marked in the screenshot) from …
Can't connect to Teamviewer after a restartHi, I have a difficult question. At home, I have a computer in one room and a laptop in a second ro…
Remote control of ChromebookHello, I still cant find any way to remotely control a Chromebook.... the last post re this subjec…
Enlarging screen size on Android tabletI want to control mobile phones from an android tablet. But I cannot enlarge the screen size on…
Merged: personal and commercial account conflict in my computerThis discussion has been merged.
Device alias resets after teamviewer upgrade?Hello. We are currently upgrading teamviewer host on all company computers from v10 to v15. We …